Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Scratch, scratch, scratch

We are DEFINITELY in the itchy stage. Yesterday he was whining whining whining about it being itchy so I bend a wire hanger so he could stick it down in there and scratch away (it's a curve edge, not a pointed end). Later that day I found him with a plastic spoon sticking out the top of his cast. I pulled it out and asked him,


Him: A spoon

Me: I see that. Why is it just stuck in there like that?

Him: For the ants.

Me: Ants???

Him: So they can crawl on the spoon and get out of there. So they stop itching me.

Me: Right.
Later, I videotaped him scratching away at it, but while I was putting laundry in, he set up the camera on the kitchen table and videotaped himself scratching it. :) LOL

He's very excited to see himself on the computer with the video that he made all by himself. So grab some popcorn. Call the people who nominate for the Emmy's. Without further ado, I present to you:



Anonymous said...

Fly-swatter works great too!

Anonymous said...

That is so sad. Poor little guy!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute and sad at the same time! Poor kid!

Anonymous said...

Poor AJ... so sad for him... How long does he have to be in it again?

Anonymous said...

Ok... it is definitely time for an update missy!