Thursday, September 25, 2008

Small Things

Fall has arrived in Georgia. I was hesitant to post that last week, when the weather had just started to turn towards cooler pastures, because I know how dastardly Georgia weather can be. Undoubtedly, no sooner had I uttered a sigh and proclaimed How I Love Thee Autumn, it would've turned back into a 98 degree inferno.
But one week in, and I think it safe to proclaim that Fall is indeed, here to stay.
After 6+ months of grueling Southern heat, my Michigan blood breathes a sigh of relief and relishes the intoxicating breeze that blows through the air. It's hard to not just sit outside all day and enjoy every last minute of it.

Yesterday after we got home from picking Owen up at school, Tyler went down for a nap and the (big) boys and I headed outside. I laid in a chair, the boys played in the dirt, the sandbox, the playset, the grass - looking for lizards, building castles, digging for treasure.

And then I went inside and grabbed my camera.......

Autumn + small things= me happy. :)

A spiderweb in the canopy above the playset

A rusty bolt on the monkey bars...

A watchful dog...

A few lone tomatoes hanging on the last straggly vines in the garden...

A largely overgrown cilantro bush that fills the backyard with it's beautiful scent every time a breeze blows....

A silly child....

A soulful child....
Citronella candles on the table...

An abandoned sandbox toy...

Climbing flowers on the back fence dying to make room for new growth...

Giving our caterpillars some fresh air and anticipating their metamorphosis....

The chain on a swing....

A long-forgotten clothespin on the line...

What small things make you happy?


Anonymous said...


I love the chain & clothespin

Anonymous said...

when all the cups fit into the dishwasher

dew on a spiderweb

the way the fog lies in the cowpasture by the kids' school

a single insanely bright orange nasturtium

the starchy steam above a pot of boiling potatoes

LOVELY pictures. Balm on my soul.