Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Boys

The other day I was attempting to clean up the kitchen (in order to make a mess of it again when I made dinner) and was very nearly close to sticking a fork in my eye what with the baby pulling on my leg, the dog laying under my feet, and the two older boys "swording" each other and running about the house.
So I banished them all to the bedroom with instructions to "just play together nicely for 20 minutes so I can get dinner ready please for the love of all things holy"

After 10-15 minutes, I was suddenly alarmed by the intense quiet that had overtaken the house. If you have kids, you know that QUIET=THEY'RE PROBABLY LIGHTING MATCHES IN THE BEDROOM.
I quietly creaked open their door and saw that they were, indeed "playing nicely together". So I ran back to the office and grabbed my camera and took a few before they noticed. :)

Moments like this warm my heart.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! And freaking amazing that all 3 of them are sitting quietly like that!

Anonymous said...

The real story: She threaten to break more arms if they didn't give her some peace and quiet. :)

Anonymous said...

That is sooo sweet... I'm telling you it's the fall weather... it makes everyone HAPPY!!!

Anonymous said...

dimatapp grape drink for everyone!!