Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Putting My Foot Down

Could someone please tell Steve that he is no longer allowed to have an opinion regarding the naming of our child, should it be a boy.

Our girl name is picked, ready, set to go. The boy name.....we can't agree on. I've suggested a few that *I* like, which he promptly shoots down. However, he has no suggestions of his own.

Doesn't it make sense that I should have the final say?? He gets a fun night in the sac, while I get 9 months of nausea, backaches, random fits of crying, headaches, general fatness, and a host of other bodily irritations that you don't even want to know about. Not to mention the end marathon, resulting in a 7-8 lb human being making its entrance into this world via my nether-regions.

Yeah, I think I've earned naming rights.

Now, who volunteers to share this information with Steve-o?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Where the Heck

Is my Macro lens??

I can't find it anywhere. How does one lose a 6.5 inch lens?? Arrrrghhhh!

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Ok, I'm a little tired of looking at the skid mark safe post, so I've been trying to think about what I could blog about for the last two days, but of course, seeing how I have a grotesque and slightly disturbing picture of dirty underwear on my blog, I can't think of ANYTHING, so there it sits...for 3 days.
What to talk about??

Well, let's talk about my freaking pregnancy hormones and the apparent record-breaking levels of estrogen that are currently coursing through my veins.

I cry. A lot lately. And over really dumb stuff.

First off, let me just tell you that I most often cry
a) when someone else is crying. It doesn't matter who you are, if it's heartfelt, and someone else is hurting and crying, it could bloody well be Hitler, and I'd be crying along with him.
b) when I'm really really angry. Which really really sucks, because nothing says "I'm-so-pissed-at-you-and-I'm-going-to-verbally-tear-your-head-off" like bursting into tears. REALLY takes the wind out of my sails, if you know what I mean. And makes me look like a blubbering idiot.

Well, lately, the crying is over anything, at the drop of a hat. Luckily, only poor Steve-o has been subjected to this so far - I'm pretty good at abstaining from random fits of tears in front of friends, so this is a good thing. Let me just tell you what has made me cry in the last 3 days:

1. 2 episodes of Grey's Anatomy reruns.

2. Not going to the gym one day and feeling like a huge pregnant cow.

3. Tucking the boys in bed.

4. The boys being naughty.

5. Driving around with Steve and the boys yesterday, bursting into tears. Why?? Because I was tired. That was it. Just wanted a nap.

6. And the best one yet? Today. The scene in Polar Express when Santa is flying through the air and is saying, " dash away, dash away, dash away all!" and he shoots off into the sky and the pretty music comes on.....the tears are roll'n.
I know. Go ahead and laugh.
But that scene is MOVING, doggone it! I don't care what you say.
And if you don't think so, you obviously hate Christmas.
And thus, Jesus.
So don't laugh too loud.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Who needs a bank??

The "Brief Safe"

The "Brief Safe" is an innovative diversion safe that can secure your cash, documents, and other small valuables from inquisitive eyes and thieving hands, both at home and when you're traveling.

Items can be hidden right under their noses with these specially-designed briefs which contain a fly-accessed 4" x 10" secret compartment with Velcro® closure and "special markings" on the lower rear portion.

Leave the "Brief Safe" in plain view in your laundry basket or washing machine at home, or in your suitcase in a hotel room — even the most hardened burglar or most curious snoop will "skid" to a screeching halt as soon as they see them — wouldn't you?

Made in USA.

One size.

Color: White (and Brown).




Forgive me gym gods, for I have sinned.

This morning, I showered, got dressed in some "working out" clothes. Made the kids breakfast, packed them some lunches, got them dressed, drove them to preschool.
On the way back, I stopped by Burger King, bought a sausage, egg & cheese croissant, an orange juice, and an order of cinna-minis. And I ate EVERY BIT OF IT. I burped extra loud as I drove by the gym on my way home.

I walked in the door, threw my keys down, kicked off my shoes and crawled into my bed. I used ALL the pillows and I slept right in the middle of the bed. I turned on the fan and curled under the covers. And slept. For 2 hours. And then I went and picked up the boys at 1:00.

And I don't feel guilty at all.

It was a glorious morning.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Muffin Man

This is how AJ came home from "school" this morning.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Saturday, January 20, 9:12 PM

Felt the baby move for the first time.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Killer Geese (or is it Goose)

There's this duck pond near where we live -- although residents here call it Lake Loretta?? What the heck - it barely qualifies as a pond, but I digress. Anyway, AJ especially likes to go there and throw bread (and small pebbles) at the ducks and geese there.
Now, these ducks and geese/goose are fed all the time, and the geese especially have become rather aggressive in getting after their fair share of bread. There have been several times I've taken the boys there and had to chase away these nasty geese because they come out of the water, honking and HISSING for you to throw them bread.

Confession: I hate them.
I have vehement issues with birds in general, I think after an unfortunate chicken-pecking incident when I was 5 years old, and when birds get up in my face or in my kid's face hissing for some bread, well, BRING IT ON. Nasty birds. Ugh. I'd like to stomp on their disgusting feathery....ahem. Excuse me for getting carried away.

AJ has actually been bitten by one of these geese, but he still likes to go there, for reasons unknown. We all went to the duck pond on Saturday and fed the ducks some stale bread until the geese overthrew the ducks and charged upon the territory with their gnarly aggressive beaks and their horribly beady eyes, demanding bread and biting at the ducks to scare them away. Owen was throwing small pebbles at them, until they came up out of the water onto the land and then he beat it for the car, saying, "RUN! They're gonna get us...they'll bite choo!" and AJ quickly followed.
They crawled in the backseat and patiently waited for us to come as well.

Here they all their nasty glory:


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pregnancy Update

Well, since I was getting so much flak about my prior "depressing" blog, thought I'd perk things up a bit with a preggo update. I'm 17 weeks, dr. appointment tomorrow. Here's what's happening:

The baby:
Your baby will begin to form fat this week. The fat begins to deposit under his skin and in important in heat production and metabolism. At delivery, fat will account for 2-6 percent of your baby's total body weight. This will help him maintain his body temperature when he is born. Your baby is approximately 5 inches long and weighs in at about 140-145 grams (5 ounces).

If you were to get an abdominal x-ray, your baby's skeleton would be visible. His movements become stronger and more frequent now. Reflex movements are fully functional as baby will regularly suck and swallow and loud noises outside the uterus may actually cause the baby to startle.

Your Body:

Your uterus has grown and is now about halfway between your pubic bone and navel (about an inch or inch and a half below your belly button). Your bodily secretions may increase due to the increased blood volume. So if you have increased nasal congestion or runny nose, increased sweating or increased vaginal discharge this is normal and nothing to worry about. Rest assured, this increase in body secretion will go away after the birth of your baby. (gross. although I'm TOTALLY using this excuse this summer when I'm sweating like a pig and completely miserable when it's about 120 degrees here. "What? You think I'm revolting as I sit here and sweat profusely?? It's my increased secretions due to pregnancy--lay off")

As baby goes through some growth changes (getting bigger and begins to add fat deposits under the skin) you may find yourself "growing" too. Average weight gain to this point in pregnancy is about five to ten pounds,( none for me though--thank you gym membership!!) but don't worry if you are a little off. If this is your second or more pregnancy, you will gain differently than if it is your first. (I wish they had elaborated on this a little more....gain differently how? More? Less? Excessively in the butt or thighs?? What does this mean?!?!?)

Pregnancy Symptoms You May Experience:

  • Frequent urination -- oh yeah. I can attest to this one. Who says it's not normal to pee every 47 minutes anyway??
  • Constipation - bring on the Metamucil.
  • Indigestion or heartburn - Gas-X anyone?
  • Occasional headaches - Is this a result of other people or just pregnancy?
  • Stretch Marks (cocoa butter can help with these) - no, cocoa butter does NOT help with these. Let me show you the road map that is my stomach, compliments of pregnancy #1, during which I faithfully applied approximately 1 lb. of cocoa butter to my abdomen EVERY DAY, to no avail.
  • Itching - not yet, but I'm sure it's coming. With the boys I got so itchy I would scratch my belly raw. Now that's a fun Friday night activity.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


I'm feeling very overwhelmed by life right now.

I wish I was here:
Does anybody have a beach house we could borrow/rent??

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007


Just some from today....feeling BLAH about my photography skillz lately - trying to get back into the groove and find my niche. Or define my niche.
I participate in an online photography board and I feel that the bar is set so high - my photos totally suck compared to what I see on there, and I'm always comparing myself to others. I'm trying to define my own style of late, and improve my skills. This is the first time I've picked up my camera with the intent of taking pictures (not just snapshots) in about 2 months. *sigh* Feeling blah today - melancholy for a variety of reasons. These make me want to practice more. Ok, I'm rambling....
Click any to enlarge:

And practicing tonight with my speedlight and diffuser. I feel like I'm getting a bit of a handle on this whole blasted flash thing. Nala was a willing subject....for a few minutes anyway.

White balance is a little better in this one:

Last one...thanks for looking. :)

Oreo Cookies

Are the devil.

In the Meantime...

While I'm contemplating my next incredibly witty, hilarious, mind-provoking, and intelligence-laden blog for your enjoyment, I offer up this movie recommendation: The Illusionist with Ed Norton.
Steve-0 and I rented it the other night and it was really, really good. It didn't get great reviews, wasn't exactly a blockbuster, but it was intriquing and held our interest. (And Lisa, no it wasn't a "devil movie" - not scary at all). It was just a really, really good story. And I like good stories. I liked it so much I think I might buy it. Rent it this weekend - I think you'll like it too.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Revisiting Sammi...and the Chicago Marathon

I'm bored of out my gourd here tonight. No, seriously.

Are there productive things I COULD be doing? Well, yes of course, but who wants to be productive?? I'm seriously losing my mind here. I'm sick of our movies, don't watch t.v., don't have a book that I feel like reading (The Republic is *killing* me right now - it's like chewing a mouth full of peanut butter), the internet is so same-old, same-old (how 'bout some updated blogs, friends??), and Steve is gone to a basketball game.
Anyway, so I thought I'd dig through some old stuff and see if I found anything interesting.

Here's Sammi, my niece, from this past fall. She has some *intense* eyes, doesn't she??

I like it better in black and white though:

One more....

Then I decided to take a trip down memory lane to my trip to Chicago for the Chicago Marathon. I enjoyed remembering that awesome trip, the people I met, the kick'n hotel, while deftly avoided thinking about fat naked guy.

Here's some shots from the big race:
The wheelchair competitors arrive first.....

Followed by the fastest humans on the planet: women.

Ok, that's not true. Actually, the men come in next. Blasted men.

Now for the exciting part--have I told this story already?? Stop me if I have. I'm smashed up with all these big-wig photographers--Runner's World, Sports Illustrated, etc. etc. at the finish line, waiting for the first placer to come in. Everybody gets all excited as he approaches the finish line.

Thing is, it's been rainy and drizzly all day - not to mention wicked cold outside. Oh, and the finish line is only about 2 blocks off the freezing cold Lake Michigan, which is blowing a gusty frosty wind over the whole city. figure it out...


Oh yeah, gonna feel that one in the morning....

No worries. He's ok. Save his injured pride. And tailbone. And you KNOW there's no fat on that body to cushion his fall. Ouch.

That's all I've got. Hope your night was more exciting than mine.

The Horror!

Confession: I do not wash my face at night. Or in the morning.

The only time I wash my face of it's dirt and makeup is in the morning, when I take a shower. And even then, "washing" it consists of sticking my face in the flow of water and rubbing my hands around to remove any stuff.

My mother in law is an avid face-washer. Every morning and night she diligently washes her face and applies approximately 27 creams, moisturizers, anti-wrinkle serums and other animal by-products to her lovely face. On more than one occassion she has given me a stern lecture about the dire consequences of not washing my face on a regular basis. My own mother also is a daily face-washer, although her products are less in number.

What is the deal with washing your face?? Is it REALLY that important?? Are there any elderly people out there who didn't wash their face every day? Have you suffered any dire consequences because of it? Is your face horrifically marred? Do you have an above-average number of wrinkles?? Has your skin melted from your bone structure??

Here's my reasoning: It's just a little makeup - what little is left of it at the end of the day anyway. I don't wear a whole lot, and I don't wear expensive makeup, so by the end of the day I figure, most of it has blown away in the wind or melted into my bloodstream from the heat of the sun. I'm not obsessing over wrinkles and laugh lines - as I get older, they'll come, and I don't care. The other day I noticed some around my eyes, but I really could care less.

And besides, if I didn't rub what was left of my makeup on my pillowcase every night, I wouldn't have any motivation to do my laundry.

Dirty faces of the world unite!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Attention Target-lovers

Ok, Target is my nemesis. Whenever I go in there to buy ONE thing, I come out having spent way too much money, wracked with guilt over my impulse-shopping (but honey, it was on SALE!), and secretly delighted at the wondrous offerings of cool that this store offers. And the stuff they have on sale (those blasted red stickers!) are what get me every time.

Here's a little something I found on the net about Target sales:

Target's full prices end in 9. So the first price tag will be $14.99 or $27.99, something like that.

Then, every time Target discounts the product, the final digit of the price drops.

The lowest the last digit will drop is 4.

If you see something you want at Target and the price ends in 4, buy it. The price won't go any lower.

Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.

More Owen-isms....and an Ayden-ism

In the car today:

Owen: "Let's go faster faster faster!!"
Me: "we can't go any faster, owen, or we'll get in trouble with the police"
Owen: "I wanna ride in the police car"
Me: "no. If we ride in the police car, we'll go to jail"
Owen: "I wanna go to jail"
Me: "There's no movies, and no trains, and no toys in jail"
Owen: "bummer"

A few minutes later:

Owen (seeing a dog out the window): "Look at the doggie!"
AJ: "yeah, cool!"
Owen: "WE get a doggie?"
Me: "I'd like a doggie too, but I don't think daddy wants one"
Owen: "oh."
AJ: "we get a leeeeettle doggy?"
Owen: "no. we get a BIG doggy"
Me: "What would we name it?"
Owen: "wrigley"
Me: "What would we feed it?"
Owen: "bones"
AJ: "no...not bones. Owen"
ME: "we'd feed it Owen?"
AJ "yeah"
Owen: "NO!"
Me: "we'll ask daddy and see what he says. Do you think he'll say yes or no to a doggy?"
AJ: "no doggie" (shaking his head). "We say, pleeeeaaaaassssseeeeee daddy?"
Me: "we'll give it a try"
AJ: "no way"

Peanut Butter Toast .....

...makes me happy.


Saturday, January 6, 2007

Testing, testing....

I've been considering selling my 28-75 mm f/2.8 lens because I rarely put it on my camera, and I definitely have my eye(s) on several other lenses that I could buy if I sold it. I've had a few people in online forums that I frequent express some interest in it, so I thought I'd try it out one more time today to see if I should keep it or send it packing.
I think I'll give it another few weeks to see if it makes it's way onto my camera a little more often. It IS pretty sharp - I'm not sure why I rarely use it, I just favor my other lenses more. Here's to second chances, I guess.

Here's some I was taking of the boys this a.m. when I was testing it out....Click any to enlarge:

This is one of my favorites from today.....

The boys get really good light in their room in the mornings - check out the cool/creepy catchlights and reflections in Owen's eyes off the window and the toys on the floor.

This is my other favorite one. I'm not sure why, it just is. I added a film grain to this one, by the way.....

Hmmm....these are all showing up a little dark on here - not sure why. Anyway - have a great Saturday!