Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Photographer's Child Syndrome

Sadly, this is a real and very prominent disease among us the world of photography. It usually manifests around the age of 1.5 and worsens for several years. Symptoms include: blank stares, refusal to make eye contact, rapid and sudden sprints in the opposite direction, complete defiance, tears, frowns, and exasperating stubborness. Treatment is rare, and oftentimes ineffective. Ocassionally, candy and other glucose-loaded substances prove effective on the younger victims, and I've heard that large amounts of cash seem to work on older children affected by this devastating disease.

My mission? To take updated pictures of my children for the holidays to send to my mother, and other relatives.
No problem, right? I'm a photographer...shouldn't take but 10 minutes. Yeah....not when your kids have PCS.

WHAT?? Pictures??? Run for it!!!
Actually, he was putting on quite a dramatic show of running away from a fire ant hill.

Ok...time to buckle down.
"Come stand over here Owen" (he obliges....after I tell him about 4 times and bribe him with candy).
"Owen, can you look over here at mommy?"

"Ok...great. Can you take your vest out of your mouth please?"

"Or I guess you could just take it off"
And make a completely devilish face that makes me wonder what evil deeds you are plotting in your sinister 4 year old mind.

Ok....let's give Owen a break. AJ - you come stand over here, okay?

Ooohhh...yeah. Not EXACTLY the look I was going for.
Here you see him trying to look at me (like I asked him to) and make sure that Owen doesn't steal his Lightening McQueen Car that he has deftly hidden in the grass just behind and to the left of me. Right after this shot, he had to run off to rescue Lightening from the Evil Owen's clutches. I guess that's what Owen was plotting earlier...."yeah, wait till it's AJ's turn...then I'll make my move"

We moved on to the field next to our house. AJ was standing there looking so forlorn.
"AJ! Do something! Don't look so sad!"

Here we have decided to pick some fuzzy "caterpillars". JOY! The field is full of them!! We'll spend the next 14 minutes picking every single one within a 15 yard radius.

Alas. We have angered the fire ants and must make a sacrifice to appease them. Sadly, the caterpillars are offered up on their fiery red hill of doom.

What's that mom? You need some pictures for grandma? Why didn't you say so??
(Note symptom: Blank Stare)

I'll try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

HazMat Suit Anyone??

In the last two weeks:
Steve has been sick. Several times.
AJ has been sick. Several times.
Owen has gone to the bathroom many, many times. He's four. His aim is less than outstanding at this point, although I don't have much hope for it to get any better, based on what knowledge I have of other adult men in my life.

I just spent the last 3 hours stripping sheets off beds and cleaning 2 bathrooms. I think I'm going to go burn my clothes and soak my hands in bleach.


Kids, Kids, Kids!

It's holiday season and I've been's my latest batch of kidlets that I've done. I've had some cuties!

Being a severely neglected middle child myself, I always have a soft spot for middle children. This little booger was no exception - I could've taken his picture all day. Isn't he adorable?

These next two are siblings. When I asked them if they ever fight, they said "Never". And I think they might have actually meant it. They got on fabulously together.

This little one's momma said he was a handful, but he was golden for me! I don't think I've ever seen a more ready and willing toddler. He was perfect!

These next two beauties needed new headshots for the modeling company that they're with. I was happy to oblige. I don't get girls this age very often, so it was a nice treat.

She has the most beautiful sparkly and blue. The blue sweater really pulls them out too. Isn't she gorgeous??

Sunday, November 26, 2006

November 26, 2006

1. He claims to have been quite the stud in middle school. But really, who's a stud in middle school? Well, he says he was. Ask him about it. He's got some stories.
2. On our first date, he took me to the Cottage Inn - a restaurant/pub in downtown Grand Rapids. Then we went to a smoky pool hall and shot pool for hours. That won him some MAJOR cool points in my book. He's not your dinner-and-a-movie kinda guy.
3. He bought me my first "real" camera when we were in college.
4. He single-handedly ran intramurals at the university that we attended. I was supposed to be his assistant...but um, yeah, not so much.
5. He is cool. Really cool. Kids like him. He relates well to students and they respect his honesty and candor.
6. He was spoiled rotten. Once he pitched a fit when his family went out to eat because he didn't like the restaurant. So they left. And went where he wanted. Did I mention he was TWELVE when this happened?
7. He hates milk. But sometimes he can't help himself and he'll eat a bowl of cereal. The physical ramifications are less than ideal.
8. He's been coaching basketball since he was 19 years old, starting with the Homeschool Basketball League in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It sounds lame, but it was the big time, man. And they could've kicked SCA's butt.
9. He is spiritually restless. And that's a very good thing. He's always reading, always studying, trying out new ideas and thoughts. He's never satisfied. And I think that's really, really admirable.
10. Once, when we lived in the ghetto, a man approached him needing money for "his pregnant wife who was sitting in their broke-down car and they needed some money for gas" blah, blah, blah. He believed him and emptied out his pockets for him. I love that about him.
11. Flying makes him nervous. Not scared. Nervous. Good thing he has a wife and kids to keep him distracted.
12. When Owen was 1 week old, he was changing his diaper and Owen blasted runny yellow newborn poop all over his chest. It still makes me laugh.
13. He proposed in the best way ever. EVER. Ask him.
14. He had a dog named Nikki who lived to be 14. He had her since he was in elementary school. She died last year and he sobbed like a baby for hours. I love that about him too.
15. He is the BEST dad. As I type this, he is playing "My First Alphabet Game" with A.J. and watching Veggie Tales for at least the 35th time this weekend. And he hasn't complained once.
16. He was an R.A. in college and was actually really good about NOT breaking the rules.
17. Thanksgiving '99 he helped me bottle-feed 4 abandoned newborn kittens all weekend. Around the clock. Every 3 hours.
18. He loves to golf. Earlier this year, he came 1 inch away from winning a hole-in-one prize for a BMW at a golf tournament. He was pissed about it for 2 weeks.
19. He has many talents. He could be many, many things - a pastor, an athletic director, a teacher, a youth leader, a coach.
20. Just earlier this month, he learned to played "Doggie Bone" on the piano. I love a man that's still willing to learn.
21. He can barely use a power drill and no way does he know how to put sandpaper on the circular sander. But he can take care of you when you're sick like nobody's business. He knows just what you need, when you need it and he's really good at making you feel loved.
22. He almost passed out when Owen was born. They brought in a chair for him to sit on. :)
23. He went to "refinement" classes in elementary school. He can eat a fancy meal and dance like you wouldn't believe. Or...he would have, if he hadn't snuck out of them with his friend.
24. He knows every song and every word of every song from the 80's. And will sing them with gusto, if given the opportunity.
25. His freshman year of college, he died his hair yellow (blond) and pierced his ear. It looked ridiculous, but I said that I liked it.
26. He has a great laugh and an adorable desire to please.
27. He never yells. Never raises his voice. Never swears. He helps me name our big fights - "The dish-scrubby fight of '01", "The money fight of '02"
28. Today is his 28th birthday. Happy birthday Steve-o. I love you.

Giving Thanks

Hopefully everyone out there had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Ours had it's ups and downs - between feeling sick myself, having a late Tuesday night with AJ (complete with vomit and hours of crying - him, not me - although I felt like it), and Steve having stomach issues on Friday and Saturday. BUT, we did have a great
Wednesday-before-Thanksgiving as we hung out with the Smith's, the Titus', the O'Connors, and the Field's.
Thursday dawned bright and sunny and turned out to be a wonderful day. This year we opted out of traveling anywhere and decided to relax in our own town with our own friends and spent the day with the O'Connors. It was a perfect holiday - relaxed, lots of laughing, lots of food, a few surprises, reckless trips on a four-wheeler, anxiety-induced heart palpitations (Lisa), a cooked bag of turkey guts, and what's a friendly get-together without board games??
Being a bum, I took exactly ZERO pictures on Thanksgiving, but Dan did send me a few that he took. AJ absolutely refused to get on the "tractor" and Owen also refused at first, but after I bribed him with a promise of marshmallows, he was game. :) I actually forgot about the marshmallows though, and so did he - so don't remind him.

He even gave a go at driving it. :)

I'm thankful for a lot this holiday weekend. I'm thankful for my beautiful and healthy family. I'm thankful that we're in a place where we've made some friendships that have lifelong potential. I'm thankful that my brother had a successful surgery last week and even got his wish to be pampered overnight. :) I'm thankful that my sister and her husband are settled in a new state, a new life, and making new friends. I'm thankful for my new nephew. I'm thankful my parents got to build the house they've wanted for awhile. I'm thankful that my business has grown. I'm thankful for the students and athletes that I've been priveleged to meet through Steve's school. I'm thankful that I get to coach volleyball at yet another school. I'm thankful that I've "settled" here - more so than any other place we've been in the last 4 years. I'm thankful for every twist and turn that life throws my way to keep me on my toes. Yup. A lot to be thankful for.....

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What I Ate

When I worked at Books A Million there was a book on the shelves that I found humorous, called What I Ate. Basically the "author" took pictures of everything that he ate for an entire year and put it in a book. Um...yeah. Weird I know.
Anyway. I'm feeling ill.
So here's What I Ate. Today.

1 half piece of toast.

2 sticks of celery.

Blegh. I'm going to go lay down now.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Miss Molly

I'm too tired to actually use my brain to think of good blogs lately, so instead I'll just keep bombarding you with pictures from my sessions. It requires little thought, and next to no brain activity.

check out this cutie-patootie that I did last week. She was such a doll.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Are ya sick of these kids yet??

I'm running behind again...the story of my life, I guess. Anyway, these are actually from when I was in Michigan - my niece and nephews, but these are the last ones that I needed to finish up before I can dive into sessions from this past weekend. And I thought these were fun.....
Now...I must repeat this mantra to myself: Stay on Task....Stay on Task....Stay on Task...Must have Coffee....Wonder what's on t.v......I should paint my toenails...doh! Stay on Task...stay on task.....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

For Steve

I'm in Atlanta right now for a few days and tonight I ate Chinese with Steve's mom and this was my fortune.

Steve-o: Thought you'd see the irony and (hopefully) find humor in it....
Love you....

Good news...and bad news....

The good news?? Starbucks brings back its holiday drink line, including EGG NOG favorite. Yum.
I will single-handedly keep Starbucks a major financial entity with my latte purchases in the next 2 months.
And what could make it even better? A CHAI Egg Nog Latte....mmm. Oral ecstasy.

The bad news??
Last night Steve-o showed me THIS website about a group of people who, I kid you not, make talking Jesus, Mary, Moses, and David dolls. They offered to donate 10,000 of them to Toys for Tots - they refused them. Is it bad news that T4T rejected them? No...the bad news is that people actually spend money to manufacture these. Or maybe that people would actually buy them....Notice the atypical white American-ish looking Jesus, complete with blue eyes and flowing brunette hair. He actually looks like one of my neighbors -- It's surburban USA Jesus! Complete with SUV and a ripped up six-pack under his robe! Available in stores now!
Ok...I'll stop now.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Just Owen...being himself

Owen has been having a really hard time with Steve being gone for basketball all the time lately. There are some days where Steve-o is gone before Owen gets up and Owen is bed before he gets home. I hear A LOT of "where's my daddy?" throughout the day.
Well, I'M feeling his absence as well in the form of Owen misbehaving a lot without his daddy here. Things have changed a lot in the last couple weeks for Owen and I think he's having a hard time adjusting, along with me, too! I find my patience with Owen is short lately and this morning we had a rough go of it. I disciplined him for disobeying me and getting into some stuff I told him to stay away from (oil air freshner, if you care) and after I talked with him about it, he sat on the couch and pouted for awhile. So I took his picture. :)

Once he saw that he had my undivided attention, he perked up a bit and wanted me to take his picture "uh-side-down".

I've been working on my color images lately - I've never been too pleased with my color, but I feel like they've been improving a bit. But I had to throw in ONE black and white, just for old time's sake. :)

And then he was done with pictures. And we moved on to the old stand-by. Trains.

Five Good Blogs

There's a bit of a grass roots trend starting in the blog world that I've now seen on about 6 blog sites, so I thought rather than come up with an original and witty blog, I would copy that idea and do it myself here. Five Funny Blogs is the original title, but I changed it to Five Good Blogs, because hey - not all blogs have to be funny to be good (although it does help maintain audience). Here's the guidelines for choosing your blogs, in case you decide to do it yourself and share some blogging joy.
1. They are funny (or just plain good, per my criteria change).
2. They are made up of mostly original content (not links to other blogs, YouTube, etc.)
3. They are updated regularly.
4. There is a good chance you've never heard of them. That means they don't have a gazillion other links to them, hundreds of readers leaving comments, etc.
5. At least one of them isn't already on my blog roll. (In other words, I had to go looking for it.)

So here they are: my FIVE GOOD BLOGS:

1. The Pioneer Woman
So-Cal ballerina meets and marries Oregon ranchers and births several children. Her blog has made me laugh out loud on several occassions and she takes rock'n pictures. Don't go here unless you're prepared to spend about an hour catching up on past posts.

2. Addison Road
I'm not really sure how to describe this eclectic blog with contributions from four regular writers. Their tagline says "where angsty GenX-ers make their living producing worship for boomers" --whatever that means. They are from California. They are writers, music producers, artists, Believers, emergent, liberal, random, and most occasionally rather funny.

3. Kinda Kitschy
This blog satisfies my inner loathing for almost all items coming from "Christian" book stores. I'm glad I'm not alone in this because for awhile I thought I was the only one who found something innately wrong with Action Figure Jesus and Testa-MINTS.

4. Crummy Church Signs
The name says it all, but don't miss the comments - that's where things get really funny.

5. Blogging...with Audrey
Ok, her blogs aren't funny, but this is my #1 favorite photographer of all time. She is enormously talented and the kicker is - she uses only all-natural light. Sometimes I get tempted to buy studio lights and go that route so that I can feel like a "real" photographer, but all I need in 5 minutes on Audrey's blog and/or website to realize that you can get some KICK'N natural light photographs - if you know what you're doing. This chick photographs for Ford Models and has a VERY successful business in Chicago. Compared to her, I'm like a 4 year old with a Kodak disposable camera.

Go forth...enjoy new blogs, friends. And share some that you know so I can feed my addiction.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Chocolate Crunch....Take 1

One of the boys favorite episodes of Thomas the Tank Engine is "Percy's Chocolate Crunch" in which Percy crashes into a chocolate factory and gets covered in chocolate sauce. Fortunately for them, mama happened to have the perfect ingredients for them to make their own version of Percy's Chocolate Crunch on the back patio today.

It's been gorgeous here today, so this afternoon I shooed them outside for some fresh air. They're playing happily with their trains so I decide to catch up on my email. A bit later Owen comes running into the computer room, and I turn to see he's COVERED in brown paint. I had been painting an old dresser outside last week, and had accidentally left the paint outside. They seized upon this faux pas of mine, and decided to have at it. Owen had actually got into a different container of this paint just a few days ago (on a much smaller scale) and I had been infuriated at that time and scolded him severely, so as I looked at this terror-seeking child of mine, covered in brown paint yet again, I felt my blood pressure rapidly rising and after I GASPED at what he had done (including the brown footprints all over the carpet) I clenched my teeth in silence, picked him up and dropped him in the tub. Then I went back outside to get AJ before he could begin his own run through the house covered in paint. At this time I'm counting slowly, telling myself they are children and to them it's just a fun mess, when everything inside me wants to go completely postal (it's been a long day).
There was AJ....happily driving his trains through the paint and as I walked outside he looked up at me in pure glee and yelled "LOOK MAMA! It's chocolate!" and then he began to giggle.

And so did I. :)

A few more...

Well, I hate to ruin a good surprise, but I thought I'd put up a few from our newborn session with Kenny. I'm sure Manda is anxious to see them....:)so here's a few of my favorites: