Thursday, July 31, 2008

Georgia Aquarium

We went to the Georgia Aquarium last week, which I was totally stoked about because I've been waiting to go there ever since it opened. Because I like fish and animals and stuff.
So there.

So anyway, our mistake was in going around noon....they only let in 100 people an hour, but by noon, there are about 300+ people in there, and the place was PACKED. We had to wait to get up to the glass at every single exhibit.
Was it worth the money? Sure, but only if you go at the first time slot available so you don't have to fight through the rude, pushy, and non-deodorant wearing crowd just to get a glimpse.

Consequently, my pictures are less than stellar because I was trying to take photos, hold onto the stroller, keep an eye on the 3 kids among the throngs of potential kidnappers, and enjoy the animals as well. :)

Here's Steve and the boys coming out the tank/tunnel thing. The GA Aquarium boasts the largest saltwater tank in the United States, maybe even the world - I'm not sure, I'll have to check on that.

Here's a tip when taking photos at a zoo or aquarium:
Place your camera's lens directly on the glass. It eliminates the glare and will give you a great picture.
That said, I didn't do that with any of these pictures because there were too many people.
But anyway, now you know.

Here's a picture of Owen who was really transfixed by the sea lion exhibit. They were his favorite and I had a hard time getting him to leave.
This picture is also for DanO so that he can grunt and be disdainful over the length of Owen's hair.

Loved this pattern on this fish....

Not a seahorse, but a seaDRAGON. Cool, huh?

These aren't very good pictures (yes, I take crappy pictures sometimes) but I thought they were so cool I had to show them to you. They're called Garden Eels, and they live in sandy burrows, which they construct. When feeding, the Spotted Garden Eel rises out of its burrow, exposing up to two-thirds of its body. It feeds on zooplankton taken from the passing current.
I just wrote all of that from the vast knowledge in my head.

Actually, I had to look it up on the internet.

This was one of my favorite exhibits, they had this really peaceful instrumental music playing that gave the room an eerie, yet hauntingly beautiful aura.
Tyler liked 'em too.
He kept pointing his little finger in every exhibit and saying, "oh wow"

One of my favorite pics of the day....
I have other pics, but they're nothing impressive. GA Aquarium also has a whale shark, which was gorgeous, and beluga whales, and a lot of other cool stuff. Check it out if you're ever in ATL with time to kill...just make sure you get in at the first time slot of the day!

More posts tomorrow!

Back in 'Bany

I'm back and begrudgingly get back on the bandwagon. I had a day to take a deep breath, unpack our suitcases, and now I'm playing catchup with the business and running last minute errands to get Owen ready for KINDERGARTEN on WEDNESDAY, OMG - that's a whole 'nother post - AJ ready for preschool, and Steve ready to start at Deerfield on Monday. ugh. Not to mention that Casey is leaving for Valdosta in a week but I don't wanna talk about it.

Anyway, a few (tasteful) pictures of the birth of my niece Emma on the biz blog, in addition to some pics from a photosession in Michigan...more pics to come over there tomorrow of my niece when she's NOT covered in blood and placenta and stuff. LOL. Oh yes, I DID just say that. I'm too tired tonight to post any more blog pics.

Here's a picture of Tyler and his 21 month old cousin Kenny.
They were being naughty, so we stuck them in this dog crate.
It worked really well.
We taught them a lesson, oh yes we did.

Actually, they crawled in there of their own accord. Who needs cars and puzzles, and educational and developmentally appropriate toys when you can play in a dog crate??

And a cute one of Kenny, and his cheeky grin. I have a series of pictures of Kenny doing about 10 different facial expressions, but just this one for tonight.....

Another post coming in a second....

Friday, July 25, 2008

Checking in

Just a quick let everyone know that I'm here. I'm alive.
I'm in Atlanta until Tuesday or Wednesday....lots of post and pictures to come.

~tammi :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What A Shocker

Ha! Saw this over on 'Ness's blog so I gave it a can do it too (even guys):


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Meet my niece & nephews

I know you've seen them several times before....but here's some snapshots of my niece and nephews in know, in case you want to meet them. :) Because I know you do.

Here's Robby - at 8, he's the oldest of the brood and a very typical firstborn - competitive, perfectionist, scholarly, a leader. He's a fun kid and he can kick my butt on the Wii.

Here's Johnny....he and Owen are only 3 months apart in age. While he's closest to Owen in age, he's more like AJ's twin in personality. Gregarious, fun-loving, mischeivous, athletic, and a real funny man.

Here's Abby - age 3 and family diva. She actually has red curly hair (before I converted this photo to black and white that is) and she is a piece. of. work.
For real. She'll tell you what's up. And then she'll roll her eyes at you.
An Abby-ism:
I'm sitting on the floor in her room and she brings me this plush purple moose.
"this is a nice moose - where did you get him" I ask her.
She puts her finger over my mouth.
"Shhhhh. Don't talk. You're dead"

Kendrick a.k.a. Kenny - he's almost 2 and has the funniest little smile. I'll have to try to get a picture of it. His eyes crinkle up and he gives you this toothy Miss America grin. He keeps busy by tattling on Tyler all the time.

And then of course there's Number Five.....who's yet to arrive. *hmph*
She better get here before I leave, that's all I have to say.

The day after I got here, on Sunday - my parents had a little birthday party for Tyler. My dad has enjoyed baking birthday cakes for the Michigan grandkids for the last year or so and just recently decided to take a cake decorating class for fun to build on his hobby.
He made this cake for Tyler.

It sure as heck beats the messy crumbly blob that we made him last week.
You win, dad.
Show off.

Here's me trying to get Tyler to blow on the candle instead of swipe at it with his hand.

And one last one of Tyler...he's enjoying being in a new house, with new toys, and new people to play with.
Me too. :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Cake, Presents, and His First Airplane Ride

Some pics of Tyler's birthday celebration yesterday.....

Here's after he "blew out" his candle - and by "blew out" I mean that he swiped at the candle with his hand and extinguished it with his finger before I could get a picture of it. This lovely cake was made by big brothers Owen and AJ, with a little help from mama and daddy. Egg shell fragments courtesy of AJ.

He wasn't to sure about this large plate of high fructose corn syrup and refined sugars and sprinkles we set before him....

He felt it would be safest to test the consistency first with his fingers....

Better smear it around the mouth and hands first to check it out....Yell a few times too, just to make sure it isn't still alive.

Smash it a few times to get it good and flattened....

THEN it can be eaten.

On to the presents...with a LITTLE help from big brothers.

Lemme just tell you, that Tyler has no toys. I'm not kidding. He has a small hodge-podge basket about the size of a large shoe box of baby rattles, book, and random toys in his room. I diligently bought him a new toy now and again when he was about 4, 5, 6 months old - after he started sitting and was interested in toys, but I swear to you: the kid didn't like toys. He was much happier to smash his hands in the dog food and push a stack of post-it notes around the floor. An empty water bottle with some coins in it?? WAY more entertaining than that $15 toy you just bought him.
So we quit buying him toys.
And we were hesitant to get him anything for his birthday even....terrible right? But we pored over the toy aisle at the store and thought that maybe, just maybe...he might like this:

And he did. And he actually played with it for about 20 minutes.
Now if we could just get AJ and Owen to leave it alone and let him play with it.....

This cool musical clock and old-skool phone are from Lisa. She was pretty geeked to find this Fisher Price clock at the store that was identical to the one she had growing up. And she also found this phone which I think every American kid born in the 60's, 70's, or early 80's had. Come on?! The Fisher Price phone...with the googly eyes? Tell me you had one. It looks exactly the same...except the cord is shorter because it's a choking hazard. It's a wonder we didn't all strangle ourselves on those long cords, right?

Anyway...I broke out those toys this morning, since O and AJ had stolen away his ball popper from yesterday and were hoarding it in his room. He enjoyed them.
Vintage coloring for vintage toys....

I think he looks like this because he hears the boys coming to take away his stuff.
Oh no they di-n't.

Here's one with his new luvy teddy bear that AJ picked out. It's super soft and squeezy and I'm hoping that this little bear quickly starts to take the place of my boobs as a source of comfort and security.
(*fingers crossed*)

And just some randoms from his room this a.m. as he attacked me and tried to swat the camera out of my hands.

Totally blew this one out, but I like it anyway...

In other news...Tyler and I are flying to Michigan tomorrow to visit my family and await the arrival of my new niece, who better not come anytime tomorrow because Rob will be in Detroit picking me up from the airport and indisposed for several hours.
I'm more than a little nervous about flying with Tyler on my lap. I've flown with the boys TONS of times before, and lots of times I've even flown with both of them by myself when they were 1 and 2 years old...but I've never flown with a baby at THIS AGE. This wiggly, squiggly, loud, and demanding age. He is BUSY.
I'm anticipating a LONG 2 hour flight.
And I'm crossing my fingers that there will be an empty seat on the plane that I can buckle his car seat into and strap him down for the duration of the trip.

Less frequent blogging to come, but I WILL try to update from Michigan when I can. Be back in about 2 weeks or so.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Can't Take My Eyes Off You....

It seems hard to imagine that it's been 1 year and approximately nine months since that fateful day we discovered that --surprise!-- we were indeed pregnant with #3. And then there was the day, a few months later, when I shared it with the world, via this blog.

You stuck around and read as I bemoaned my ever-expanding waist-line and listened to me whine about my various cravings. You grimaced and smiled politely when I discussed the wonders of my bellybutton and we all watched that blasted Baby Ticker counting down the days, the months.
And you were here waiting to hear the story and see the first pics the day he was born and steve-o stepped in as guest blogger and filled you in.

And you've seen him grow over the last 12 months....from bald sleepy newborn to spunky walker.

He was so of his impending arrival caught us so off guard, had us moping about for weeks trying to digest the news. And now it's hard to imagine life before him. Before his happy grin at 6:30 a.m. or his gap-toothed smile and his long lean legs.

He is goofy smiles and dirty hands.
He is climber-of-the-dog and blueberry lips and chocolate brown eyes.
He is rhythm and dance and sharp little teeth.
He is mischief and twinkly eyes and the fastest crawler in all of Georgia.
He is temper tantrum and belly laughs, warm footie jammies and baby powder hair.

And today is his first birthday.
And we love him to pieces.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Another Cool Video: Street Art

Go here to see another cool video for your Tuesday morning.

Joshua Allen Harris makes inflatable street art with old trashbags and shopping bags. He attaches them to subway grates over NYC and they come to life when the air from the subway blows them into the sky.

Supah-cool video!

This Made My Day

BoingBoing is this blog/newsfeed that I subscribe to that's really random. So it suits me perfectly, no?
Their tagline is: A directory of wonderful things

Earlier this week, they had the following video on there and for some reason it warmed my heart and made me smile and laugh. I hope it will you too.....

The story behind the video:
Matt is a 31-year-old deadbeat from Connecticut who used to think that all he ever wanted to do in life was make and play videogames. Matt achieved this goal pretty early and enjoyed it for a while, but eventually realized there might be other stuff he was missing out on. In February of 2003, he quit his job in Brisbane, Australia and used the money he'd saved to wander around Asia until it ran out. He made this site so he could keep his family and friends updated about where he is.

A few months into his trip, a travel buddy gave Matt an idea. They were standing around taking pictures in Hanoi, and his friend said "Hey, why don't you stand over there and do that dance. I'll record it." He was referring to a particular dance Matt does. It's actually the only dance Matt does. He does it badly. Anyway, this turned out to be a very good idea.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

The song and it's meaning had me wondering what it was all about, so I found out this about it:
The lyrics of the song are based on part of the Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore. The poems won the Nobel prize for literature in 1923. Here is the poem used in the song:

"The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.

It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.

It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and of death, in ebb and in flow.

I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life. And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment."


Whatcha think of it?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Casey and His Yoga

AJ and I went down to Riverside/Turtle Park yesterday and who should we see but Casey Perkins skinny dipping in the Flint River.

Just kidding.

We actually went down there WITH Casey and we ALL went skinny dipping.

Ha. I crack myself up.

We went down there to take pictures of Casey doing some yoga and after finding this great spot on the River, we decided that this small island about 15 yards out would make a great place to do some yoga posing. So Casey stepped in, and walked out one step at a time and ended up being a little deeper than he first anticipated. But he made it out there without being washed downstream so I stood on an outcropping of rocks and took pictures of his poses while AJ threw rocks in the river beside me.

Let's see if I can remember the names for all these poses.
Casey can correct me if I'm wrong...

[as always, click to enlarge]

Warrior III Pose (I think)

Warrior II

Tree Pose

I think this is a variation of Mountain Pose, but I'm not sure what it's called....

A backbend, obviously - I think it might be called Wheel Pose or something....

A variation of Pigeon

Casey is about a week away from being a certified Yoga instructor, and FYI - he's a fantabulous teacher. No really, he is.

If you've ever wanted to try Yoga, email Casey or call up to Kai Yoga on Westover and find out when he's teaching next. Yoga has a lot of health benefits and I've enjoyed doing it several times over the last month - so have Lisa, Cassie, Clint, Amy, and Erica.
You should check it out!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

E-Gads, I Think He's Done It!

He's been working on it for a few weeks now, but I think we can honestly say that he's crossed over and now is trying to walk more than crawl. Time to put some rubber bumpers on the fireplace.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

From me and my crew to you and yours!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

If You Care About Stuff Like This....

New pics up on the photoblog from last night's shoot.

A Verbal Spanking for Fellow Albanians

As a photographer relatively new to Albany, I'm always on the lookout for new and cool places to take photographs. Just last week, fellow photographers Greta and Amber and I were all at Elements, perusing photography on the internet when we came across a particular set of photos.
"Where's that"? I asked.
"Oh, that's Radium Springs" they tell me.

Radium Springs.
Oh, of course.
What the heck??
Why hasn't anyone told me about this?

So I do a little research on the internet to find out exactly what Radium Springs is. And all I can say is WOW. And all of you people in albany are not my friends anymore.

To those of you who AREN'T from Albany, lemme tell you a bit about it.

Radium Springs, on the outskirts of Albany, historically is the largest spring in the Flint River Basin. Known as one of the "Seven Natural Wonders of Georgia", its aesthetic beauty, crystal clear water, and mythical healing properties have long attracted people to the spring. Discharge from Radium Springs can exceed 70,000,000 gallons per day, with a temperature of 68degrees year round. There is also an extensive underwater cavern system, that apparently used to be a hot spot for divers to explore. I've read a few accounts that a diver was actually trapped and died in the caverns when the springs were at their peak of popularity.
In 1925 a casino/spa/resort was built overlooking the springs, and the site became a popular hot spot for vacationers on their way to Florida, who would stop at the springs for a swim. The casino was severely damaged in The Great Flood of '94 and again in '98 and was permanently demolished in 2003.
Apparently, there is a plan to reopen the springs to the public and build a botanical garden there, but considering the fact that the people in charge in Albany, Georgia are APPARENTLY QUITE STUPID for having this jewel right under their noses all these years and never utilizing it, who knows if that will actually ever happen.

So....after reading all this, I decided that I MUST go to check it out. Casey, who said, "oh yeah - I know about that" --->insert the Evil Eye here<-------- agreed to drive me out there to take a look. Owen came along too. Upon pulling up to the drive, there's a beautiful white gate and fence in the front of the property, that is, of course, locked. There has also been metal fencing installed around the outside of the white fence and down to the creek to keep people out, along with a few NO TRESPASSING signs. Ha!
We parked at the public wildlife viewing area next to the property and walked down to the shoreline and began picking our way to the Springs Property next door - about 200 yards, I'd guess.

Now, as a general rule, I am not a fearful person. And rarely do I fear for my own safety. But since Owen was with us, I was hyper alert and kept a close eye out for snakes - particularly water moccasins. I've never actually SEEN one down here, but they are prevalent so I was a little concerned. Owen had, to my later relief, decided to wear rain boots that day (don't ask me why) so I was thankful for that, as we picked out way through the trees and sand along the banks of the river branch.
For all you northerners, it's not like the banks of the Grand's more like something from Deliverance, more swamp-like - more creepy. It was silent...and the creek/river bed leading into the springs area was only about 2-4 feet deep. Clear and blue and beautiful....but creepy at the same time, especially after the following conversation:

Me to Casey: I'm a little concerned about snakes....
Casey: I'm a little more concerned about amphibians of the larger variety - reptilian, if you know what I mean.
Me: WHAT?!

So then I was worried about alligators, because it was a GREAT spot for alligators to live. Sandy, foliage covered banks (perfect for a lurking alligator to snap up a few idiots walking along the bank), warm, shallow water. Ahem. Before my mother has a heart attack reading this post...we quickly moved along and to the site of the Spring with no other cause for concern. And mom, just so you know, I didn't see a single snake. Or Alligator.

Anyway, so we climb up the bank to the grassy overlook and....


It was AMAZING. It's in ruins now, but the pillars, stone work, arches, bridge...they're incredible. I had goosebumps. The history....was palpable.
It really is an incredible place. Have you ever seen a movie, where a ruin or run-down place is shown, and then before your eyes, it transforms into it's original state?? I stood on that overlook, with the crystal clear Spring below me and I swear to you, that place transformed before my eyes. The casino/resort reappeared behind me, swimmers came to life in the springs, the green grasses were covered with people - lovers holding hands, eating a picnic lunch, friends vacationing. There was laughter, music, children playing, the splashing of swimmers in the water. The early 30's came alive - there were men in polyester pants, and women with large hats and polka dotted swim suits. There was a carefree spirit in the air - the stock market was turning upward, the Depression was over. People danced to big band - Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong were cranked out of record players and radios. Across the country, Rockefeller Center was being built, Roosevelt was in office, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers tapped across movie screens, women were granted equal rights and minimum wage.

And then Owen wanted to walk across the creaky old bridge to catch a lizard and I was snapped back to reality.

Maybe I'm weird, but places like Radium Springs have an effect on me. Seriously, the place holds so much history, is so hauntingly's incredible. And I'm mad at you Albanians for not telling me about it sooner. So consider this a verbal blogo-spanking.

And if you're not from Albany, come visit - and we'll trespass into Radium Springs together. Only this time we'll jump the fence instead of walk the banks to get there.

For more pics of Radium Springs, Go HERE.

And stay tuned for another Verbal Spanking tomorrow......because I've got yet ANOTHER ONE. But I'm sick of typing so I'll do it later.