Sunday, August 31, 2008

Speaking of Politics....

I read this interesting article this morning on BoingBoing about how Palin's Wikepedia entry was scrubbed and rewritten just an hour before she was announced as McCain's running mate. Thought it was interesting.

Note to all my conservative Republican readers:
I don't CARE that her wikipedia entry was rewritten to cast her in more favorable light.
I'm sure similar things have been done for Obama and his camp.
I don't care about what you heard from your friend about Obama's brother's sister-in-law's lawyer's brother dog walker who was so shady that they had him "eliminated" from society so as not to tarnish Obama's image.
I love Palin and wish she were my best friend.
I merely thought the article was interesting.

*waving a tye-dyed flag with a peace sign on it*

Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Commerical Break From Politics

Well, it's a break unless you're talking about the boycotting of the Olympics, free Tibet, etc. etc. etc....Let's not go there.

I loved this commercial from the Olympics a few weeks back. Such a cool concept.

Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's Counter Move

So....unless you live in a cave, you've heard that McCain announced his candidate for the vice presidency today - Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.
My initial thought was: Whoa. Smart move.
What better way to sway the fence-riding Hillary supporters than to nominate a female for the vice presidency?
But then on the other hand, she's pro-life and pro-drilling protected lands in Alaska (a.k.a. NOT so green) - which could be a major caveat with the atypical democrat, especially in the female demographic in regards to the pro-life thing.
Smartly though, he's got the media world abuzz with his "surprise" announcement and the focus has shifted from Obama.

I'm typically largely apathetic about politics in general - believing that it's a tournament of the lesser of two evils. But after the last presidency and the massive shortcomings of Bush (let's not even go there) I'm rethinking my political stances and reassessing my grounds and how I feel about politics in general. Not to mention that I think this election will prove to be one of the most historical, and exciting, for quite a long time.

A few observations:
Let's take a look at the nominees for the VP, because in my opinion there are reasons to be concerned for the safety of the next president, no matter who he is. Obama merely because he is black and would be the first black president and there's a lot of wackjobs out there who might rear up the klan to launch an attack (*shiver*). And McCain because he IS FREAKING OLD (72 this year). So if something were to happen to the next POTUS, who do we have in the wings to take over?
Biden, whose experience exceeds even Obama's, or Palin, who's served as governor of a state with more reindeer than people?? In the tragic event that something were to happen to our president, who would YOU rather have leading the free world?

Either way, both candidates can speak in complete sentences and conjugate verbs so at least we're on the up 'n up in THAT department.

What do you think? Good move by McCain or what? Rally up the democratic stragglers/feminists/women by choosing a female or would he have been better served to choose a running mate with a more capacious background?

How 'bout some anonymous voting to get a feel for the political climate of the Random Musings Readers?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Boys Will Be.....

frighteningly creative on a rainy day.

On Saturday, I organized the boy's room/toys/closet and they wanted to rearrange their furniture. Since an entire wall of their room is covered in doors (closet, bathroom, toy closet, bedroom door) that only leaves 3 walls to put their big 'ole bunkbed. There was really only one "new" place to move the bed, so I swung it over there, with some trepidation. Jumping too close to the head of the top bunk could result in some head-thwapping from the ceiling fan, in addition to a within-tearing-from-the-wall reach of the curtain rod. Nevertheless, I thought we could give it a go.

Sunday afternoon...rainy day...indoors for 8+ hours straight and well....I guess it was inevitable that they would come up with something.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay = Big Puddles

Yesterday we got hammered with rain all day (as local readers already know-duh) but it let up and was a pleasant deluge every now and then. Here's AJ whoop'n it up in the puddle between our house and the neighbor's house - there's a low spot there and it always FILLS with water and washes into the street every time it rains. Makes for lovely splashing. :)

{as always, click to enlarge}

I think he looks like such a big kid in this photo...
Cooper got in on the action as well

One of the things I love about rainy days is the excuse to stay in. I've come to realize that, over the last few years, (and especially with kids) I've become more of a homebody. Not that I like to SIT around my house and do nothing...because I like to stay busy - but that I like to be home. And rainy days are cozy, and warm, and give me good excuse to just stay in our house and read books, or watch t.v., or bake. And it's even better when it's a weekend and Steve-o is home too.

Here's a snapshot I stole this morning of Steve-o and Tyler on the couch.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Good Stuff

Just watched the clip of the newest Nooma Video, SHE and if you've never heard the "theory" before, it's eye-opening, interesting, and to some (like, oh, say...I dunno....Southern Baptists) mildly scandalous.

But I liked it.

Here's the summary:

We didn’t have anything to do with our birth. We are all here because some woman somewhere gave us life. Her pain, her effort, for our life. And when a mother gives like that to a child, she is showing us what God is like. But sometimes this part of God’s nature is overlooked. A lot of us are comfortable with male imagery for God. But what about female imagery for God? Is God limited to a gender? Or does God transcend and yet include what we know as male and female? Maybe if we were more aware of the feminine imagery for God we would have a better understanding of who God is and what God is like.

3 Posts in about 3 hours.....I'm playing catchup now. :)

Documentary, Anyone??

I've been in the mood to watch some documentaries lately. Any suggestions??

I thought that America Unchained looked interesting. Basic Premise: British guys come to America with a simple plan: Buy a second hand car. Travel from coast to coast. Try not to give any money to "The Man"

"In other words, no Holiday Inns, no Best Westerns and no Comfort Suites. No Shells, no Arcos and no BP gas stations. No MacDonalds, no Starbucks and no chains of any kind. Just Mom & Pop business all the way."

I'd also really like to see The Business of Being Born, but our Blockbuster doesn't carry it. :( I'll check some other places, but I highly doubt I'll find it in Smallbany, Georgia.

Also want to see Cracked Not Broken, a film following the story of a middle-aged mother and crack addict who prostitutes herself to maintain her addiction. That'll make you reconsider your stereotypes.

Also on my list: Prince Among Slaves - the true story (duh, it's a documentary) about an African prince enslaved in America in 1788.

Invisible Children is one of those movies that I don't want to watch because it will break my heart and most likely leave me in tears, but I think it's one of those movies that I should watch.

Lord, Save us From Your Followers. Ouch. This one will hit close to home. A reminder of just how badly we (as Christians) have screwed up the message of Christ.

Last one: Born Into Brothels is about the kids of Calcutta's redlight district. While their mother's work as prostitues, one New York photographer gives seven kids cameras to document their life through the lense of a camera.

I know, it's a lot....but I like documentaries. :) How 'bout you? Have you seen any good documentaries? Have you ever seen a documentary? Are you a documentary buff?? Got any recommendations??

Must. Wear. Jeans.

Sorry for the lack of blog posts lately.....I think I just don't have much to say (imagine that!).

Today there is a 100% chance of rain because of (hurricane? tropical storm?) Fay blowing into Florida so it's a gray and cloudy morning with ominous clouds rolling in from the southeast.

I like rain.
I really do....and living in Georgia, I've grown to look forward to WINTER (never thought I'd say that). I've noticed the past few years that we've lived down here, I'll start wearing jeans and other pants in August and September, even though it's still 90 degrees, just because I'm so sick of wearing shorts and tshirts all time (never thought I'd say that either). Fall/winter wardrobe is limited and rather small, when you live in the south (unless you're Casey and your wardrobe is big enough to clothe all of Ghana), but there's just something about the end of August, the onset of September that my Michigan roots bring to the surface.
Hot enough to go swimming or not, it is SEPTEMBER for the love of Pete and I must wear jeans.

That's all I've got.

More interesting topics to come.....soon, I hope.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

That Face Looks Familiar

Today was the volleyball river party and of course I took my camera. Last time, there were some different members of the volley-family there, and this time...some new faces.

Here's Maggie on the tube today.....

And as she was holding on for dear life and grinning like a crazy leprechaun, and shouting out "Oh crap!" as she bounced over the waves.....I couldn't help but think that she looked an awful lot like her dad when he was doing the same thing just 2 short years ago.

don't you think so? LOL

Friday, August 15, 2008

Owen: A Cake-ism

Yesterday evening, Owen yells across the living to me in the kitchen, "MOoooooooMMMMMM!!"

Me: Whatcha need Owen?

Owen: I need an octagon stripe cake.


Owen: An octagon STRIPE cake.

Me: Oh, right.

He meant one of these:
which are actually in the shape of a HEXAGON, but that's just semantics.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Five Things You Need To Know About Finding the Work You Love

Steve and I have often commented how blessed/lucky we feel to both be able to do jobs that we love and feel that God has designed us to do.
I mean, really - How many people can say that?

I read this today on ZenHabits and thought it was a good read....

“You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers … If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” - Steve Jobs in a Stanford commencement speech

One of the keys to happiness — as well as productivity and effectiveness at work — is finding work you love, that you’re passionate about. Work you want to do, instead of just have to do.

If you really want to do it, it barely seems like work at all.

I’ve finally found that work, in blogging here at Zen Habits and with writing in general. I don’t drag my feet to go to work anymore — now I can’t wait to get up early and start working.

And I’m just one of many who’ve done that — there are people all over the world pursuing their dreams, working with passion, losing themselves in their work. Are you one of them? Do you want to be?

The difficult thing for many people is finding what that work is in the first place. They don’t know where to start, and it seems a hopeless cause.

It’s not. You can find that work, but it’ll take some effort. Here’s what you need to know about finding the work you love:

  1. It won’t find you — you have to seek it. Doing the same ol’ thing everyday isn’t the way to find the work you love. Sometimes, you get extremely lucky and it just lands in your lap. Most people, however, aren’t that lucky — you’ve got to take action, and you’ve got to seek it.
  2. You can’t stop looking until you find it. As Steve Jobs said, never settle. If you find something that’s just a bit better than your current job, that’s better … but don’t stop there. Keep looking. Don’t give up the search.
  3. You’ll have to look in lots of funny places. Really explore. Try new hobbies. Talk to new people. Read articles on different blogs, in different magazines and books. Inspiration might come from someplace you never imagined.
  4. You might not love it completely until you get good at it. Most likely you’ll know that you love something once you find it … but at that point, you’ve got to work at getting better at it, with all your might. Once you get good, it’ll be something you can’t stop doing, because you’ll get a thrill at doing something great.
  5. Once you find it, you have to pour yourself into it. If you find the work you love, you’ve been given a gift. Don’t spoil it — truly pour yourself into that work. That doesn’t mean you should ignore the other loves in your life, including family and friends, but when you’re working, you should devote yourself completely to that work.

Here’s how to go about seeking your passion:

  1. Break out of your routine, and dare to ask. You’ve got to stop what you’re doing (maybe not at this moment, but today, or tomorrow, not next week) and be bold enough to ask yourself if you love what you’re doing. And if you don’t, then what is it you really love? And if you don’t know, then are you going to look for it?
  2. Spend time thinking about it. It’s good to take an hour or two to really think about the question. It’s worth the investment. Really think about what you love, about your life, about what you want to be doing.
  3. Think of what you already love. Do you have hobbies you’re passionate about? What do you like reading about? What do you talk about with others? Is there something you always wanted to do but forgot about, or were too afraid to pursue?
  4. What are your dreams? Is there something you’ve always wanted to accomplish in life? Almost everybody has some dream like that, sometime in their lives, but often they don’t thing it’s realistic. Give it more thought now.
  5. What are you good at? What are your strengths? Do you have any talents? Is there something you’ve always excelled at? Pursue these things.
  6. Take action. If you don’t actually do anything, you’ll never find it. Start doing research, start making calls, make appointments, take career assessment tests. Take action, now.
  7. Explore new things. Try out new hobbies that sound interesting. Read about new things. Find new ways to explore — break out of your patterns.
  8. Once you find something interesting, pursue it. Read about it. Learn, and try it, and do it, and get better at it. Don’t be afraid to pursue it — fear is what stops most people from finding this happiness.
  9. Then take action - again. Now that you’ve learned about it, give it a try! You might be able to pursue it within your current job, or do it as a side job or just as a hobby at first. Write to people who are doing it to find out how they got started. Check out a few books on the library and do some research online to find out about the first steps you need to take — and then take them! Pursue your dreams!

“Getting up in the morning and having work you love is what makes life different for people. And if you get into a position where you really don’t love what you’re doing, get off it. It’s easy to be on someone else’s track or something that sounds like a safety play.” -Bob Woodward


So? What do YOU think? Now, I know that reader comments have been down, down, DOWN lately (*ahem, not that I'm bothered by it or anything) but how 'bout we make a little comeback here and DISCUSS and SHARE our THOUGHTS....and FEELINGS. Pass the basket of kittens with a side of rainbow, if you please.

Are you doing what you love? Do you even KNOW what you really love? Are you taking action to get to a place where you can do it? Let's talk about this!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Flippee

I totally, absolutely, unequivocally, without a doubt, need THIS.

What the heck are you talking about??

Here's some from AJ the other morning. And if you know AJ...the kid never stops talking. And boy can he tell some wacked out stories. Half the time, I have no clue what he's even saying but he has a SERIOUS imagination.

This morning he was in my bathroom and he started going off about "girls like mermaids, mama"

Me: Oh, they do, do they?

AJ: Yeah. Because girls are mermaids and so girls LIKE mermaids and they SWIM like mermaids.

Me: Okay, I can buy that.

AJ: NO, you don't BUY it mama! It's mermaids. People's don't like mermaids, mama.

Me: I thought you just said that girls like mermaids.

AJ: NO. NOBODY likes mermaids. Peoples don't like mermaids because they are BAD. And they swim in the water like this (starts waving his hands around and thrashing about) and they get the peoples and the peoples don't like them.

Me: I have no idea what you're talking about.

AJ: *sighing* It's the mermaids, mama. The mermaids.

The funny thing about AJ and his stories is that he is SO adamant, and he tells them and talks to you about this random stuff so earnestly. And he gets this patronizing voice and you can tell that it's taking every ounce of patience in his body to explain this to your simple and feeble mind -- the kicker being that 90% of the time IT MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.


I was in the mood to take some pictures of Cooper he is. :)

I love his big 'ole wet nose....

And his EARS. OMGosh, just take a look at those ears. They feel like silk - no lie. In the evenings, he'll climb up on the couch beside me and I will rub his ears for hours because they are as addicting as cocaine.

The big doofball.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Blog As You Are

Hey, what are you doing right now?
Well...not RIGHT THIS SECOND, because then the comments would be a boring list of: "reading your blog" and "sitting at the computer".

What have you been doing for say...the last hour? or what are you about to go do? I think it's interesting to know, so let's hear it?

I just got finished getting my butt kicked by AJ in Candyland THREE times IN A ROW. I did pull out the victory on Game #4 though.
Then I proceeded to get my butt kicked AGAIN in Memory. THREE Times in a Row AGAIN. Apparently I suck at traversing the paths of the treacherous candyland AND I can't remember diddly squat.
Guess that's what happens when you get old - your luck turns sour (that damn gingerbread man card gets me every friggin' time!) and you lose your short term memory. Ah well.

Then I sat down at the computer to check email and write this blog...while eating a bowl of Grape Nuts, even though I know better. I dig me some Grape Nuts but for some reason they leave me feeling like I've just single-handedly consumed a 4-course meal all by myself. They are so FILLING. So if you're on a diet or something (which I am not, quite obviously) then just eat a bowl of Grape'll stave off hunger pains for about...oh, 6 hours.

What I am NOT doing is: cleaning my house up (although it needs it, AGAIN), doing the dishes, sorting the laundry, proofing pictures, and a myriad of other things that need to be done --including making a box of Betty Crocker fudge (bleck!) that AJ has been bugging me about for the last 3 hours. So I'm off to remedy that situation.

So......what are YOU doing??

Friday, August 8, 2008

Angel Hair with Feta and Sun Dried Tomatoes

I've been trying to think of vegetarian dishes that we can eat that the whole family will like (read:Steve-o the Carnivore) so last night I went with pasta - that's safe, right?
It was DELISH and super easy so I thought I'd put it up here to pressure you into making it as well. It's so friggin' EASY - it's a great meal for school nights because you just whip all the stuff together and voila! Instant yummy meal.

It's relatively light too....
unless you gorge yourself and have 2 huge helpings.

Like I did.

Then it sits in your stomach for a rock for the next 3 hours.


Angel Hair with Feta and Sun Dried Tomatoes

1 package of angel hair pasta

about 1/4 cup olive oil

4 -6 cloves of garlic, sliced or crushed (I like 'em sliced thinly)

3-4 oz. sundried tomatoes, softened and chopped (I added extra)

(took me forever to find these in the store. They're by the pasta sauces and Publix only carried this ONE brand - it's on the top shelf if you go there)

1 8-oz package of tomato basil feta cheese, crumbled
(if you're looking away (men) because you don't think you like feta cheese, JUST STOP IT. It adds a lot to the flavor of this dish - so just give it a chance, wouldja??)

1 cup grated Parmesan

(I didn't have Parmesan so I used a combination of Pecorino and Asiago and it was still really good. I'm sure you can substitute with whatever you have)

1 Bunch of fresh cilantro, chopped (I used considerably less - about a handful. Cuz I thought it was weird to put cilantro in a pasta dish).

salt & pepper to taste (and I also threw in some chopped basil too)

Start the pasta boiling and meanwhile...
2. Pour some olive oil into a skillet and saute the garlic on low-med heat. If you use some of the olive oil from the jar of tomatoes...YUM.
3. Throw in the tomatoes (that you've already chopped up a bit) and the cilantro and then turn off the heat. Do not add the cheeses in until last.
4. Drain your pasta or just serve it up individually on plates. Mix it all together and serve with a loaf of bread or baguette...or make up some bruschetta like we did.


cooking tip from me: Don't EVER drain your pasta after you cook it. I think that's an American think that you have to drain and rinse your pasta, and you DON'T! It just makes the pasta harder to work with as it "dries" and could lead to the ever-dreaded Sticky Pasta Mess. Just use a pasta spoon and scoop it right out of the water onto a plate or serving dish. I's much better that way.

Lemme know if you try it!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Ug. I'm a blog slacker lately it seems.

I think with all the hubub of vacation and starting school that I'm trying to find my groove again.

This morning I looked like one of those frantic moms that you see on tv that are freaking out, bustling around like a crazy person, trying to take a shower myself, feed 3 kids breakfast, make sure #1 has his uniform on, and #2 and #3 are not in pajamas and get out the door by 7:35. That is HARD! Steve-o saved the day and took Owen to school for me on his way to work. I think I need to plan a little better for this morning routine. I'm already thinking of time-saving tips (clothes laid out, lunches packed the night before, etc. etc.)

I'm having a hard time with the idea of doing cereal in the mornings (even though I grew up eating cereal every morning!). Since becoming an almost-there vegetarian, I've been a little more health conscious, and I'd like to have healthier breakfasts for the boys than cereal. We've never been big cereal eaters anyway. We have it, of course, but our boys are HUGE breakfast eaters - I'm talking pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, cream of get the idea.
Being a stay-at-home mom and not having anywhere to be in the mornings (typically) has allowed for our morning routine to consist of big breakfasts and a relaxed pace. Now I'm seeing why families save the big breakfast thing for weekends.

Anyway, I'm sure that the process of making eggs and toast for the kids this morning helped contribute to the frenzied state in which I tore around the house this morning.
That, or the fact that I woke up only 30 minutes before we had to walk out the door.
That adds a little stress to the morning grind.

I will say that I've rather enjoyed having the extra one-on-one time with AJ since Owen has been in school. He's done just fine entertaining himself and playing independently and I've had fun spending time with just him.
On Owen's first day of school I said:

AJ, how do you feel about Owen being in school?

AJ: Happy.

ME: Happy?? Really? Why?

AJ: Because he can't take away my toys!

ME: But aren't you just a little sad that he's gone all day? Are you lonely at all?

AJ: (with determined patience and more than a little exasperation): MAMA. I said NO. I am not sad, I'm not lonely. I'M HAPPY.

ME: Okay, okay!

AJ doesn't start school for a whole 'nother week.

Casey leaves for college tomorrow.

Last night we had breakfast for dinner and I made sausage gravy and bisquits out of meatless sausage and it was actually REALLY GOOD. It tasted just like the real thing, no lie. Ask steve-o - he ate it and he is the highly discriminate carnivore in this house.

Tyler is driving me nuts with his newest stunt of pulling the chairs away from the table and climbing up the chair, then onto the top of the table and standing on the table. Then I say NO! and firmly put his feet back on the floor and he giggles and does it all over again 32 seconds later. We play this fun game all day long.
Or the "push all the buttons of the tv" game.
Or the dump out the dog food and dog water game.
Or the splash in the toilet game.

Fun times.

That's about it around here.....
Random Musings....that's my name and I'm stick'n to it.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

And He's Off!!

He was so excited this morning, up around 6:15 and bouncing off the walls....

"Take a picture of my packpack, mama!"

Finding his seat in his classroom....

And this is how I left him....he didn't even look back. :)

And no, I didn't cry. :)
I got all that out last night.
Today, I'm just proud and happy for him.
Have a great day Owen!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Letter to Owen, on Your First Day Of Kindergarten

Dear Owen,
There's the old saying that "it seems just like yesterday" (insert memorable moment here) so I'm not going to say the cliches. Quite honestly, while on one hand the last 5 years have flown by, and I do oftentimes wonder when you morphed from the tiny bundle we carried home from the hospital into strong boy before me, on the other hand I feel that these years have also been hard won as we together forged this thing called life, called family...together.
I've made many mistakes along the way and I'm thankful that you love me regardless and hopeful that as you grow older, you'll understand that maybe I don't always have all the answers, or do everything right, but I do my best.

Tomorrow is your first day of kindergarten, and there are times over the last week when I find my breath catch in my throat and doubts seep into my heart - "is he ready?" "will he be okay?" and I worry for you and your tender heart. With our recent discoveries about who you are and what makes you tick and the different and the beautiful way in which you see the world, I find myself wanting to reach out and envelop you in my arms, protect you from all the possible hurts and unfair and unkind things that are out there waiting for you. But then I watch you excitedly pick out your Scooby Doo lunch box, and your Star Wars backpack, and try on your new tennis shoes and I see that you are more ready than I am.
You are ready to handle this new adventure - your quick smile and readiness to forgive and love prepares you for this next step.

Starting school is a rite of passage - a new beginning - and there will be many challenges ahead of you in the next year. I eagerly anticipate you discovering how the letters and words that you love so much come together as you learn to read and the world opens up for you even more. I'm excited to meet your new friends and come to your plays and field days. I pray that the people in your new world will take the time to discover just how gifted and pure and beautiful that you are. You are so special - a curious, generous and engaging child and this gift will be that which draws people in toward you. They will be blessed to know you, Owen - just as we are blessed to call you our own.

Transition begins tomorrow, change has already begun - and while part of me feels uncomfortable at this next stage - this little bit of letting you go - I realize that life is transition, is change. One stage comes and then you roll over into the next and there's not really much you can say or do about it. Life is transition and I'd much rather loosen my grip and enjoy the experience with you than desperately clutch at what is already passing by. Embrace each day, welcome what's new, live with your heart wide open - which I know you do, and never be afraid.

You will learn much in the next year, my son, but perhaps more important are the lessons that you have taught me - to love unconditionally, to easily forgive, to explore, get dirty, discover life in a real and tangible way. That everything can be FELT. Everything is an experience. That I don't have to understand you to love you.

You are capable of anything and I am so proud to be your mom.

Have a super fantabulous first day of kindergarten tomorrow!

I love you to the moon and back.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Some Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure

In the car,

AJ: Want me to tell you a story?
Me: sure.
AJ: It's gonna be a long one
Me: Okay, go ahead.

And the Beluga Whale exhibit at the Aquarium:

Happy Monday! :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

For Rob and Amanda

If you don't go completely banana sandwich over this image, then you're out of your gourd. Please tell me you'd like to get a large print of this framed and hung in your living room.

For all those who weren't in attendance for this little photo was pure DRAMA. There were tears, there were gummi bear bribes, there were fart noises being made, there was baby poop in Robby's hand. It was eventful, to say the least.

Hope you like it guys, and I'm emailing you a copy of it right now.

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my nephew Johnathan - my football partner, my Mario Smash Brothers arch nemesis, and all around great kid whose antics never cease to make me smile. Love you buddy!