
My initial thought was: Whoa. Smart move.
What better way to sway the fence-riding Hillary supporters than to nominate a female for the vice presidency?
But then on the other hand, she's pro-life and pro-drilling protected lands in Alaska (a.k.a. NOT so green) - which could be a major caveat with the atypical democrat, especially in the female demographic in regards to the pro-life thing.
Smartly though, he's got the media world abuzz with his "surprise" announcement and the focus has shifted from Obama.
I'm typically largely apathetic about politics in general - believing that it's a tournament of the lesser of two evils. But after the last presidency and the massive shortcomings of Bush (let's not even go there) I'm rethinking my political stances and reassessing my grounds and how I feel about politics in general. Not to mention that I think this election will prove to be one of the most historical, and exciting, for quite a long time.
A few observations:
Let's take a look at the nominees for the VP, because in my opinion there are reasons to be concerned for the safety of the next president, no matter who he is. Obama merely because he is black and would be the first black president and there's a lot of wackjobs out there who might rear up the klan to launch an attack (*shiver*). And McCain because he IS FREAKING OLD (72 this year). So if something were to happen to the next POTUS, who do we have in the wings to take over?
Biden, whose experience exceeds even Obama's, or Palin, who's served as governor of a state with more reindeer than people?? In the tragic event that something were to happen to our president, who would YOU rather have leading the free world?
Either way, both candidates can speak in complete sentences and conjugate verbs so at least we're on the up 'n up in THAT department.
What do you think? Good move by McCain or what? Rally up the democratic stragglers/feminists/women by choosing a female or would he have been better served to choose a running mate with a more capacious background?
How 'bout some anonymous voting to get a feel for the political climate of the Random Musings Readers?
OK, first of all, in order for there to be a discussion, one must be registered to vote! Does this ring a bell for you and Stephen!!! Sorry couldn't help but dig you two.....
Secondly, a whole lot to chew on.. As far as drilling, if we can do that here in the good ole USA, then let's do it & end our dependency on the Middle East, Green or not - let's get it done!
AND I personally think that the Obama ticket should be Biden/Obama... that would make me more comfortable.... As far as McCain, I gotta to know more about Palin, but it sure seemed that the ONLY reason that she was nominated was because she is a woman AND that is not a reason to be a VP, just as it is not a reason for Obama to be Pres because he is black.
OK - I think it is time to quit :-) For the first time, I'm not sure who I will be voting for, but I WILL vote......
I'm voting for McCain/Palin, and I'm not afraid to say it! Of course, I live in Illinois, so my vote won't help much. :-D
At first I thought Palin was picked just because she was a woman, but after hearing more about her, I think she has a lot to offer. McCain knew he had to pick a conservative, and she definitely is. Pro-life, pro-gun, etc. And BTW, governors make more decisions in a month than senators make in years. Palin is the only governor across the board. And IMHO, she has more experience than Obama (who hasn't really worked since being elected in my Illinois, but has instead focused most of his energies on his book, television appearances, and then running for President.).
I'm also more concerned about saving unborn babies than the environment. (Gasp!)
So that's what I think, what do you think? ;-)
P.S.--My daughter REAGAN (wink, wink) shares a birthday with McCain! Today! Coincidence?
While surface appearances might be that Palin was chosen just because she is a woman, Palin is not JUST a woman.
She eptiomizes integrity, doing what is right, not what's popular:
sold the "governer's jet" for 1.2 mil.on ebay... to balance Alaska's buget. Do a history check on Biden's integrity... Biden has experience for sure ,in questionable ethics.
She is greener than you think, as she protects and represents Alaska, who's existance is supported by natural resources, both environmental and animal, and tourism. Her husband is a commerical fisherman,who's lively hood depends on the resources being protected. She initiated a pipeline to Canada for natural gas to replace the fossil fuel. Alaskan drilling is not a bad idea.
Relying on hostal nations for our economy's stability is.
She was a whistle blower AGAINST her own party,and put them in jail for corruption.
She's relevent. Hold's an 80 per. approval rating,the highest in the US for governers. She disbanded her security team and drives a Jetta to save the taxpayers money. Her goal as gov. is for Alaska to be the ONLY state NOT to require federal funding, She a doer not a talker,she is more like US than any other "politician", she has a son (enlisted not an officer) serving in IRAQ AND a down syndrome child,how's that for a perspective? She's got my vote. Oh, and the "experience" thing doesn't wash, she has equal political experience with Obama, but has actually affected more positive CHANGE for the citizens she reperesents than OBAMA'S speeches and book signings.
MomN - We're both registered to vote.
Melissa - I don't know what I think about a lot of things - including politics. Lesser of two evils, I tell ya. I'm just throwing out ideas out there and I'm the first to admit that there's a LOT that I don't know. I'm still up in the air for the elections....
As for the pro-life/pro-choice debate, I thnk it's safe to say that just because a president is elected who IS pro-life doesn't mean that abortions in our country will cease...or even decrease significantly (Bush is pro-life and nothing much has changed in that arena in the last 8 years). Women have been killing their unborn babies since the beginning of time and will continue to do so. I think that's where we as believers step in - because women will not stop killing their babies until they learn to value LIFE - a lesson learned from the time they are walking the hallways of their elementary schools. Teach young people to value life itself and abortions will decline.
I'm not negating the fact that abortions would decline if it was made illegal, but I believe a more significant change will come about when young girl's core values change.
Lisa - Good information about Palin you bring up...I didn't know all that about her. As for her experience, I still feel discomfort thinking that she could potentially rule the most powerful country in the world. Equally concerning is Obama's lack of experience, but he's demonstrated a very high intelligence and is dynamic as a leader as they come...not to mention an impressive background ( law professor at the University of chicago, Harvard Law graduate, etc.) And then there's his understanding of the heart of the American people and his cultural relevance that has drawn in the younger demographics.
Then again, how far can "just" dynamic leadership and popularity take a president with minimal experience?
Note to readers: Although I'm a fairly "green" person and tout the green card frequently, I wasn't personally attacking Palin or saying that she WASN'T eco-friendly - I was just saying that the drilling in Alaska thing seems HUGE for the hard core tree huggers that might repel them back to the Dems.
Ahhh...politics. Next thing you know I'll be throwing out conversations about religion and then things'll REALLY start getting ugly.
You now me and I am not an advocate for Mr. Bush or a hatemonger. I’d like to share some point of view. And, for those who don’t know me, Big Tams’ and StevO fans…
I do believe in having an informed opinion though. This is my opinion;
Bush is a graduate of both Yale and Harvard...and had a higher GPA than Mr. Green himself Al Gore...While he may be unable to articulate with the oration and charisma of most, he is of the same educational pedigree of Obama. I think it very dangerous to assume he(BUSH) is stupid. And while the 1st election was bizarre, it was a direct result of President Clinton’s bombastic irresponsibility as the sage leader of the people…If Clinton behaves, Gore wins in a route. Kerry would have been a President worse than Jimmy Carter…
Obama is not a dynamic leader per se…It’s a matter of definition. Leaders tend to have oversight universally and responsibility i.e; a Governor. They tend to make decisions and structure vision with action, direction, and movement. Mr. Obama has done none of these things. He is potentially leading a movement, but has yet to demonstrate leadership under duress or had his mettle tested by crisis. He hasn’t made decisions that have put people in harms way, nor has he been faced with a dilemma.
He routinely votes present in lieu of “yeah” or “neigh” to ensure he isn’t asked to decide. Decisiveness is a much more effective measure of leadership ability than straight intellect. That’s why there are 100 Senators to make pluralistic decisions…no one of them is effective alone. BTW, the last Senator to be elected; John Kennedy, 1959/60…and that election was marred in controversy…in Chicago…
Senator Clinton has also never held any position of leadership when people’s lives and livelihood were at hand. Her most difficult challenge was maintaining the facade of marriage to her President Husband. (sarcasm emphasized)
McCain has not held a leadership position in some time. But he was a Naval Officer. He was also documented heavily by a variety of sources during his torture in VietNam. Don’t let anyone tell you he is milking it or it wasn’t that bad…patently absurd is the nicest way I can dismiss those who try to diminish what occurred to him.
Obama was 1st a Congressman, after he had all the names oh his opponents removed from the ballot and than a Senator, only after getting crushed in his 1st attempt. His liberal jargon about knowing the American people is BS. His wife made 275k as an attorney and he an additional six figures and moonlighted in positions that paid him on the side…common with most attorney’s …So roughly half a million a year…just like the rest of middle America…coupled with his book sales and, well…Not to mention having someone get him a deal on a house to such a degree that it was undervalued by some 50%... great deal when you can get it.
I am impressed with his speaking ability and charisma…his persona; etymology; Greek/the mask. No one knows a great deal about him; how he came to pay for Columbia and Harvard…its important because if he did it like most Americans he needed massive loans or affluence…His college education was probably in today’s dollars about ½ to ¾ of a million…How’d he do it? He may be a wonderful man. It doesn’t bother me that he initially attended a madrasa in Jakarta, Indonesia and changed to a Catholic school. Its more bothersome about his inability to challenge his pastor(indicates conviction and leadership) and/or consort with anarchist/terrorist, albeit after his heyday. Bill Ayers may not even be a friend…but it’s the ability to articulate these relationships that’s vital. Mr. Obama has yet to.
And, it also doesn’t matter that his middle name is Hussein…akin to Smith. Mr. Obama has self crafted his life story…he hasn’t been scrutinized to the degree of other candidates. And…how is he so in tune with America when he spend almost all his formative years outside of the country and HAWAII…A far cry from “the Heartlands”. It’s important.
I’d make this observation about the younger generation you speak of; They’re generally, apathetic, utopiately naïve, un-driven, and lack the education to question how we got here as Americans and how the last 60 years….even more so, the last 30. (present company excluded :). If one doesn’t know the background how can one then make educated observations. That is not an indictment but an observation. It is as much a product of the liberalization of the public school system and media infotainment than a learning opportunity. The degree of comfort, entitlement, affluence as a Nation, prosperity came nd continues to come at a price. Most people in this country have no idea how idea what’s going on in the world. Case in point; Why are men required to register for the draft but women are not? If women are equal to men and want the same opportunities, they should register for the draft. Another; As previously stated, the entire worlds economy is carbonfuel based; Petroleum and has been for almost 100 years…Of course oil is part of any equation in conducting aggressive foreign policy(WAR). THE ENTIRE WORLD BELIEVED THERE WERE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION…EVEN DEMOCRATS…The massive discomfort and reality we face now is the vacuum we’d create if we simply left. Why did Russia invade Georgia? What is the significance of China and India’s growing middle class?
It shoud be noted that only Republican party has children serving their country. You coud make the case for Joe Biden’s son Beau a captain in the Delaware Army National Guard, where he serves in the Judge Advocate General's (JAG) Corps. A reserve lawyer for the Deleware National Guard in my estimation, is not service, but I have a different perspective on that particuar piece.
Insofar as experience; it’s a very subjective term; Harry Truman was seen as a do nothing with no political negatives when the Democratic party bosses asked him to be Roosevelt’s VP. Roosevelt read a prepared and rehearsed speech to party bosses, not even Truman himself. He didn’t meet him or even talk to him…the Democtratic party bosses picked him. whether Roosevelt asked if Truman would accept the position. they said no, leading FDR to angrily accuse Truman of disrupting the unity of the Democratic party. Feeling as if he had no choice, Truman reluctantly agreed to become Roosevelt's running mate.
So having McCain meet his choice only once initially and speaking to her via phone and vetting is not this horrific revelation. The vice president with the least amount of experience was Harry Truman…yes, the one who less than a year into his Presidency dropped 2 atomic weapons in Japan. He became quite a President because he had the tools and purpose.
Sarah Palin's choice was not simply because she was a woman. That would be disingenuous to all women and give Hillary too much credit. She is one of us; a regular mom who decided to do instead of whine. No big money, no big connections, just someone who felt it was time to do instead of be. She is what the Republican party is no longer; hard working, unaffluent, attractive, grounded, and simply someone of a conservative background who will make a difference. It’s kind of hard to see this in Giuliani, Romney, Cheney etc They’re not representative of me, us! It doesn’t bother me about her lack of “experience”. Why? Read last paragraph…it’s about integrity, initiative and clearly rising to changes, challenges, and expectations….She also doesn’t raise the confliction flag like the perpetual plagiarist, Mr. Biden. How can Senator Biden be a “DEVOUT ROMAN CATHOLIC” and be pro choice???? Pretty difficult to articulate, from my vantage point.
Finally, I state again that Obama is impressive. But how is he going to do all of this change and transformation? The euphoria of his oration is not enough. I need answers. I need solutions. His lack of Nationalism is a bit disconcerting. Not a jingoist or xenophobe….but I’d like him to demonstrate not orate. DO, NOT “BE”. He is by all accounts the epitome of the American dream…if there is such a thing. I do not think he’s real. Give me the POW who’s grumpy and the hockey mom…
That’s my llllloooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg opinion!
This is Lisa's comment...she wrote on my spot!!
Love election times, it's fun to discuss points and counter points!
I hope others join in the blog... Great topic. Great ideas.
I agree that Obama is intelligent,well educated(remember Bush went to both Harvard and Yale :) ) extremely chasmatic,dynamic and demonstrates leadership qualities. He is probably the best public speaker I ever heard. He evokes huge levels of emotion in people when he speaks. It's astounding actually. He makes you feel good and jazzed up to go out and take on the world... no doubt, 100% agree.
Much of what I've heard from Obama is not pragmatic nor realistic. In addition, I have not heard from him is HOW exactly he plans to execute these ideas. And how or who will pay for these new ideas to be realized? Where will the funding come from? What will be cut back or lost to make them be realized? Some of his ideas seem utopian and socialistic.
Here's more confusing info. Go to both websites and compare the candidates on the issues.In many cases they both want the SAME for Americans, it's just how to achieve it that varies. And in some cases, they respond all most identical. Compare off the candidates websites the health care issue for example. Hope to hear from the gang.
Mr. Bush did do a few things us pro-lifers are proud of. First of all, he replaced a pro-choice Supreme Court justice with a pro-life one. Also, he proposed a rule that would prevent pro-life doctors from being discriminated against/fired if they refused to take part in an abortion. I personally know a pharmacist who was fired from Walgreens because she refused to fill a prescription for the morning after pill. This new rule could have saved her job.
Not sure of the validity of this, but I heard on the radio that two more Supreme Court justices are probably going to be replaced this next term. If two more conservative, pro-life justices were appointed, it would be possible to overturn Roe v. Wade.
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