This year was no exception, and I scored these 2 cute costumes at Old Navy for $4 each the day before the Great Trick or Treat. I tried to convince AJ that he should be this adorable little lion, but he kept insisting, "no! I wanna be da frog!". The pick'ns were slim and there was only 1 costume in Owen's size - a purple dragon. But Owen doesn't care 2 hoots about stuff like that, so when I said, "hey Owen, ya wanna be a purple dragon for Halloween?" his reply was, "Weelllllll.....sure."
*sigh* I love that kid. If only he'll always be so easy going. :)
The best part of the day though, might be when AJ recited a complete monologue from "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" in the backseat of the car that afternoon. I didn't catch all of it, but apparently he has it memorized. I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid he would stop, so I held my breath and listened. And he said (with all the right voice inflection too): .
(in an earnest whisper): ..."and da Gate Punkin wiw rise out of da Punkin Patch an bing pesents to aw da boys and gurls...."
(yelling) "It's da gate punkin! I see it! I see da gate punkin!"
(in a confused voice) "Wha happened? Did the gate punkin come? Did he bring pwesents?"
(then he has to switch to the female voice) "YOU BOCKHEAD! I missed hawoween and its aw yor fauwt! *here began some unintelligible yelling in a high pitched female voice about missing Halloween, candy, and a few more "Blockhead!" comments thrown in.
I swear I'm not making it up.
By the time he was finished I was laughing so hard, and I said, "AJ! That was wonderful!" to which he grinned in pleasure and said, " sank you, mama. sank you," in his best showman's voice.
Hope you had a great Halloween! We did! :)
owen is a dead ringer for his do you make steveO run round in his dino suit?
they look adorable! owen may come after you own day though. Old navy sold those?? im impressed
Old Navy sucks. It should be called Old Navel...Fuzz, or whatever ")
Old Navy most certainly does NOT suck, oh ye poopy-head-anonymous-commenter. Nasty, nasty...
Anyone that sells Halloween costumes as adorable as those for $4, in addition to tshirts, shoes, and other clothing that I can buy on clearance from change that I scrape out of the seats of my car is not sucky.
So there.
I soooo wish I could have been with you guys!
Fun Stuff!!!
See you soon!
How adorably cute! I love those boys. anyway, kudos to you on finding awsome cheap costumes!
And that Great Pumpkin monologue....sweet! I always fall asleep befor the I know....
My little grandsons are sooo cute. I missed those specials times. I'm sure AJ has a future on the "stage". MOM
hey, do you have an email address??
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