Here's my big brother and his wife Amanda...Can you believe she just had a baby a week ago? I'm glad I got a good one of the two of them, because let's face it - with four kids now, they're not going to have time for ANYTHING, let alone pictures. :)
Robby, the eldest....He's funny and silly and has contagious laughter.....
Johnny - the middle child. Prone to fierce mood swings but with an infectious personality. He's the clown and has an extremely vivid imagination.
Abby. The one and only female child. She's the princess and she knows it. Her hair is a wild mane of red curls. Need I say more?
The newest addition - Kendrick. He's a good baby - quiet and sleeps a lot. Good thing too, cuz he's gonna need his rest in that house. :)
Just a random horse farm that I drove by, and I liked this horse. Heck, I like *all* horses. Anyone wanna take me riding? I'm jones'n for some horseback riding.....
My sister Shari and her husband Joel. I convinced them that they needed a picture for their Christmas card. They've only been married a little over a year and apparently were not aware that it's a RULE that you must send out a Christmas card and letter after you're married. Well, now you know, guys. And knowing is half the battle (as G.I. Joe once said).
And this cool barn. I stopped and asked the people living there if I could take pictures, and they said yes. It was very cool, with a lot of character.
That's it....I'll try to post some Halloween pics later today, so until then.....
That young couple...they look cute and happy. That's nice.
But since I have about ten of their pictures on magnets on my fridge...
I really like the barn.
: )
Cute kids, but where are yours? You haven't posted any of A.J> and Owen for a while, and miss seeing them. I'm anxiously awaiting Halloween pics of them.
Happy Halloween!
oh its definitely me! "why yes john, i will take off my clothes for you in front of god only knows how many people..." no it was sheryl crow, and lets just say, we were soo jealous of her rock hard body. We had amazing seats and the night couldnt have been better. We are gonna scramble to get ahold of tickets at hard rock when he tours next with jm3. do me a favor and forward my link to amy, i dont have their address. <3
Katie, are unaware of blogger protocol.
You cannot comment on one of MY posts about what was commented on YOUR post. You have to recomment back at the original post. Secondly, Amy can see you link and click on it to go to your blog and that's how THAT works.
Silly, girl - blogs are for kids.
i have to disagree.. that requires you to go back and check.. this way i know you read it. im doing it for your convenience really =0) arent i nice?
Keep the pics from Michigan coming. They really look great.
"The Libero" (since i can't say wise unless i make a profound statement or give advice:)
I was getting ready to call you out on Tammi's blog to see if you were in the wings secretly watching. Tammi's right, blogs are for kids and tricks are for hoes. ")
To Everyone:
Am I the only one, or is there something weird about dressing up like a Bible character for Halloween (or harvest). Especially at a church event, it's definitely "churchy" and the ultimate oxymoron.
Why do churches change Halloween to Harvest? It's no different than secular society changing Christmas to just another holiday. Just b/c you don't use the "correct" term, doesn't make it any less than what it is. Let's just say it's a safer venue for Halloween, or just ignore it altogether.* That's my vent for the night. Sorry, Tammi for using your blogspot. Will get my own as soon as I get the guts.
* Comments are not necessarily the views of the original blog-author.
Actually, I cannot seem to get into Katie's blog. Can you please HELP ME!? I know, I'm up at 1 in the a.m. DON'T ask.
Amy - That would make an excellent blog post. What do I have to do to get you to start a blog?
What if I offer to take your family pictures for you next time we're together? What?? I do that anyway? Well, what if I offer to WITHOLD a family photo session unless you start a blog. It's really not that hard. I bet even Gerald could set it up for you. :) heehee.
As for the whole "Harvest" thing, I chose to go the high road and not get into that here. I have to be careful how much I divulge my true feelings on that matter. And don't even get me started on the things that Christians alter to make them OK for them...that's a whole 'nother blog I've got rolling around in my mind. I just have to think about how I will say it without being TOO offensive. :)
Hey, how's the tshirt thing coming?
And how did Anna's volleyball season end up?
I should probably shut up and just go write you an email.....
abby is absolutely adorable! she makes me want to give her a huge hug!
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