Monday, October 2, 2006

I'm so cool

Check it out: Pigskin Review

I told you I was semi-famous. :) My pics are on page 3D and 6D. :)

Oh...and for Brittany and Erica (aka "The Pirates"):

Don't Download This Song


Anonymous said...

And I'm just excited because I can say that I have been INSIDE your house!!!!!
It makes me feel famous too!!!!!

Oh yeah...I'm proud of you too!

Anonymous said...

Congrats for being famous! the pictures look great!!!

Anonymous said...

Very funny. But I still don't feel like much of a pirate. It's not hurting the artists that much. It may short them one diamond on their grill (WOW!!!!). Besides I don't I don't download much away. I'll try and stop for you though.
Your #1 libero.

Anonymous said...


ARrrrrr, matey! You's be a pirate. :)

But a good volleyball play'n pirate, so I still like you anyway. :)