Friday, October 5, 2007

Knees do not Bend Backwards

Yesterday, when I got home from volleyball practice, Steve started dinner and I went outside with the boys to throw a ball for Cooper, since he had been shut in the bathroom for the last 2 hours and was higher than a kite and bouncing off the walls.

Cooper is only about 7 months old, around 55-60 pounds and wicked fast. I throw his baseball, he races across the field about as fast as a greyhound on speed, fetches his ball, then runs back towards me to bring it back. He usually is going so fast that he runs past me, circles around to slow down and then comes back to drop the ball at my feet.

I'm not sure what happened last night, but this time, he decided to NOT circle around me, but instead he decided in his little doggy brain that yes, it IS possible to go from 35 mph to a dead stop in the span of 12 inches. My knees are locked, I'm bent over to try to grab his ball from his mouth as he runs past me, but no......he crashes right into the side of my left knee, and lets out a yelp from the force of the impact. Where am I?? OH yeah. I'm on the ground. Clenching my teeth. Deep breath in, deep breath out. I think my knee is gone. Smashed out of my muscle and flesh and rocketed across the yard. It really hurts like hell.

Owen and AJ gasp and Owen says, "are you ok, mama?"
"nope. go get daddy, ok?" (he runs inside)
Steve comes out, not sure whether to laugh or be genuinely concerned, and says "are you alright?"
NO. I'm playing a little joke here....writhing on the ground in agony. I thought I'd let dinner burn while I punk'd you into thinking that my leg is broken. And will probably need to be amputated. And I'll be in a wheelchair forever. And you'll have to make dinner for the rest of your life because the kitchen counters and cupboards are too high for someone in a wheelchair to access.

Steve helped me in. I propped it up, iced it. It doesn't have full range of motion. I'm going up to the school early to have the trainer take a look at it.

I have a volleyball match this afternoon. Steve is gone overnight for a football game. I have a photoshoot tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Holy freak of nature. I started out laughing at the post... but then my jaw dropped. I knew Cooper was evil!

Anonymous said...

and you were a college athlete?

Anonymous said...

I know that had to suck...
but you're Super Woman...
you'll bounce right back!

Anonymous said...

My laughter is not a heartless lack of concern,it's just how I cope in situations where I don't know what to say...really...I'm not heartless,but ...ha,ha,ha...Sorry...ha,ha...can't... ha, it.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your concern FRIENDS.

*limping away*....
