Friday, October 19, 2007


Who has the cutest baby in the world?

Why yes, that would be me.

I think he looks like a baby chimp in this one:

Love his dimples

He's got the cutest smile

Seriously. No mommy-goggles on here....he's freaking adorable, is he not?


Anonymous said...

YES!!!! He's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

Stinkin adorable. I LOVE the chimp look. so cute!

Anonymous said...

No gramma-goggles either - he truly is beautiful! And the dimples are to die for!!!! And so kissable -- And he also has the most delightful laugh!

Anonymous said...

Yours are three of the most adorable kids I've ever had the pleasure of knowing...
I still say you should get them some sort of modeling gig!