Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Tennis Lesson

Steve's sister-in-law is a kick-arse tennis pro and over the weekend she bought each of our boys their own little kiddie tennis rackets and took them out for a tennis lesson. Jen is an excellent teacher and AJ had a great time and (no surprise) did a great job. Here's some snaps from the tennis lesson.....(click any to enlarge...or copy onto your hard drive, family):

Jen shows AJ the basics, and surprisingly, he listened intently and did everything she said...

Sticking your tongue out helps you perform better.....just ask Michael Jordan.

Keep your eye on the ball....

Where's Owen in all this, you ask??
Well, at the beginning of the lesson, AJ beaned him in the nose with a tennis ball, which made him bleed, which freaked him out, so.....he wasn't having any part of any stinking tennis lesson.

But AJ is cutt'n it up on the court....

Here's Sloan. She's watching. She's waiting her turn. She's probably thinking, "MY mom is the tennis pro....tennis is in my BLOOD. Stand back, 'cuz....i'm gonna kick your butt"

For little girls, it's all about the cute tennis skirt....and it MUST be pink.

I told you it was in her blood. This girl's intense. Watch out. And then click the picture to enlarge and get the full effect...

Better refine some of the finer details....

Now she's got it....watch out Venus Williams.

Ok. So what if Venus & Serena Williams are the only female tennis name i know?? Do they even play anymore? I have no idea....
Oh wait! Actually there's Anna Kornikova (how you spell it, i have no idea)....Sloan resembles her more than Venus or Serena.

AJ's not impressed. He's ready for more....

Let's try the backhand, shall we??

Now he's got it....

A pro in the making.....

Thanks for the lesson, Aunt Jen!


Anonymous said...

hmmm...riley wants to take tennis lessons. but you're right, it's because of the cute little skirts. we'll stick to basketball and soccer for now...

Anonymous said...

Those turned out great. Next time it is you and Steve on the court.
It is so cool to see the focus in their eyes.


Anonymous said...

Cris Everhart... Billie Jean King...I think I'm showing my age...
Wow, our kids and your kids would blend personalities seamlessly -- Owen and Drew; A.J. and Zac; Ty and nobody cuz' we're not having any more. Ha,ha.

On the Fall Break blog - is A.J. like a mini freakin' Hercules or something, pulling three bigger kids and that monster-truck version of a wagon?

And melancholy Owen, seriously, he and Drew, soul buddies. His art that you posted a few back, reminds me of Drew's - colors and dimensions and abstract qualities. I've saved all of Drew's art, as opposed to throwing some of the other kids' away (come on...you cannot keep it all!) b/c his art reminds me of Picasso. I've been told by several art teachers that he draws and paints way above average for his age. It sort of freaks me out; how about you? I want to take it to the Arts league here in HSV, just to see what they say. I've even thought about putting one up on auction on eBay....you know, just to see if I'm not just being a Mom, gushing over his artwork, totally amazed by my "genius" son's artistic abilities. Email, duh.