Monday, September 15, 2008

AJ's First Big Break

Well, Like I said before, I've been surprised that we've never had to make a trip to the ER with AJ before, considering his supreme athleticism/circus-act type behavior.
Alas, his 4 years of blemish-free medical history came to a halting end on Thursday afternoon when we were having some wrestling/jumping time on the bed while Owen was at school and Tyler was sleeping.

I tossed him up, he stuck his legs out in front and put his hands down to land on his butt on the bed...but something went wrong and there was a crack sound...and then lots of crying. And the they say: is history.

Big thanks to Amy Lynn for watching Tyler for me and to Erica for picking up Owen from school so I could take the A to the hospital.

When we arrived, we got in SO fast I couldn't believe it, after several past trips to the ER I was preparing myself for a very long afternoon. Apparently, they don't like to hear a 4 year old crying loudly in the waiting room because we had barely signed in and sat down before the triage nurse called our name. (**Note to self: cry loudly if you ever have to go the ER***)

He had been crying/whimpering for about an hour by the time they were done with the x-rays, etc. etc. and left us alone long enough that he passed out from exhaustion:

[Poor quality because they were taken with my phone]

They put it in a soft cast and a sling and referred us to the orthopedic doctor, whom we saw the next day (again, big thanks to amy lynn and erica for doing a rerun from the day before). He's been REALLY grouchy, REALLY whiney, REALLY ouchy all weekend so it wasn't until today I got him to let me take some pictures.

This face should give you an idea as to his general mood for the last 4 days:

But he perked up after a minute and started being his cheesy self

Whew. I'm glad that ordeal is over. He'll have to wear the cast for 3-4 weeks and we go back on Friday to take another look at it and make sure it hasn't moved or shifted around.

Hopefully this will be his last broken bone.

But somehow, I don't think so....


Anonymous said...

welcome to the club AJ;


Rock on bubba!!

Anonymous said...

Poor AJ!
I am here for the next time he decides to break something also. :)

Anonymous said...

AJ's a tough kid. He'll be fine.

And I second AmyLynn...I'm here if you need me. :)

Anonymous said...

Sad... like we were w/Johnny though w/his stitches... surprised it took this long to come...