Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to The Norms....for Awhile

Time for a break from the political garbage for a bit and let's move on to more important things: Me.

Okay, well...not ME per se, but....things revolving around me and my life. That's what we're here for people, right? RIGHT?!

Anyway, a little bragging on the O-Dawg if I may.
The following letter came home from school today:

To the Parents of: Owen Nowack
From: Gifted Education Teacher: Regina Hookidty-Boogity (not her real name)

Your child has been nominated to take screening tests to determine whether or not he/she is eligible for placement in the Gifted Education Program for the upcoming school year. This process may take six to eight weeks.......blah, blah, blah......

So it would appear that even after all my worry and concern, that he's doing just fine. And I'm thrilled to death about it. :)

**chest swelling with pride**


Anonymous said...

Go Owen!!

Anonymous said...

Gramma & Grandpa and so very proud!!!! Give Owen and big High 5...... I'm telling you, I see engineer or composer in the future!!!!! GO OWEN!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Owen!!