Friday, September 5, 2008

You are Most Compatible With....

So...I found this online quiz/html thing that I thought would be fun to imbed in the blog. So I take my blog address, enter it in and then they say that before I can see the results/get the code, I have to sign up to be a member of this site. I consider not doing it, but I have nothing going on for the next 15 minutes so I figured, "what the heck" it can't hurt - right?
Well, weird thing ended up being a singles/online meeting people place thing. So after I sign up and enter in a bunch of false info and get a login, etc. etc. (I'm still looking for the results of that quiz thingy) it posts people who could possibly be good "matches" for me.
And here they are:

pjbb84's photo
57 years old
from Valparaiso
maddcow78's photo
30 years old
from eden prairie
RJK's photo
47 years old
from Clinton Township
crankincraig's photo
42 years old
from upstate ny

crc7310's photo
35 years old
from Atlanta
juslukinforafriend's photo
50 years old
from Dublin

What the heck?? Either I am an old soul, or 29 is crossing the age barrier, but all the people they think would be good matches for me have a median age of 45!? What the ---?
Although on second hand...juslukinforafriend is from Dublin and it'd be nice to travel....
And what's up with the screen name of pjbb84? Peanutbutter-Jelly bed and breakfast 1984?
The initials of him (Paul Jungo), his dog (Bugsby Bittman) and the last time he went on a date (1984)? Feel free to speculate on that one in the comments....

Thanks, but I'm just fine and dandy with this guy: know what I mean.


Anonymous said...

Wow... you never cease to amaze/freak me out ;)

Poor Pajama Bad Breath who graduated in 1984... he just wants to find a nice girl.

P.s. I feel a 70's party coming on & Steve definitely needs to figure out how to do THAT hair!!!

Anonymous said...

ok this is stinkin funny.

And i TOTALLY agree with Casey- steve with that hair... ohhh yess! hahaha

Anonymous said...

I did the year book yourself thing the other day. When my picture for 1986 looked just like one on my mom's fridge (yes, it's still up there), it HURT!! Zero chance that I'll be posting any now.

I hope it's not a mistake posting this. I can already hear you clicking through folders, looking for a random shot of me.

Anonymous said...

I am TOTALLY in for a 70's theme party. I already know what I"ll wear. :)

Clint - no, I don't know what you're talking about *click, click click*

Anonymous said...

RJK looks like a serial killer.

Anonymous said...

Geeze those men are old! ;)