Monday, October 27, 2008

And So It Begins.....

The other day I was doing Owen's "homework" with him and he was working on stuff regarding the letter "M". He had to do a worksheet, and then read a little book with M words in it. After I gave him instructions for the worksheet, he pulled out his little book, titled "My Mm Book" and read the cover:

Owen (in a southern accent): "My IiMm Book"
Me (over-enunciating):'s not 'IiiM"'s 'M', making the letter sound short and concise (like it's supposed to be).
Owen: "IIIiiiimmmm-uh"
Me: 'No, M - it's short. M.'
Owen: 'IIIiim'.
Me: 'M'
Owen: 'M"
Me: right!
Owen (picking his book up again): "My IIIiim Book"
Me: (sighs)

He's talking southern.
What should I do?
Wouldn't you think that language is influenced more by the way it's spoken in the home rather than at school? What do I do, what do I DO?!?!? (running around in panic)


Anonymous said...

Thats all I have to say. :)

Anonymous said...

to you he sounds southern... to us natives he sounds northern... he's stuck in linguistical nothingness.

The real question is whether or not you will continue to contribute to his confusion or will, out of love, give up a piece of yourself and develop a good ole southern drawl.

You can start with replacing "about to" with "fixin' to". Practice that for a while and we'll build from there.

Remember, it's for his own good. :)

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, the following words have not, nor will they ever, pass by my lips:
Incorrect usage of the word "Done" ("I done gone and bought me a new tractor")
"Yum! Boiled peanuts are delicious"

And if any of my boys ever say them, they will be promptly spanked and sent to bed without dinner.
For a week.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe you don't realize it, but you and Steve may be developing the southern thing... and actually contributing to Owen's progress...