Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Laughed So Hard I Died. The End.

I had this idea for a fun picture to put on my business blog, or in my scrolling header on my business blog...or....something. I don't know....when the creative juices flow, I just roll with 'em and figure out what to do with them later. They still need some work, but this was my quick and dirty edit so I could get them on here and show them to the world.

So I grabbed my camera and my muse, and asked him to pose. We wet his hair and slicked it back. I popped the lenses out of a pair of 3D glasses from the movie theater (thanks Erica!) and grabbed this book.

Funny, right?

But when I opened THIS one off the CF card, I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants.


Anonymous said...

My gosh those are amazing! That kid cracks me up. I think I will be coming to this post every time I need a good pick me up.

Anonymous said...


BTW, I posted my 7 random facts, but you probably wouldn't know that since Bloglines HATES me and won't post my updates. Any idea how to fix this problem?

Anonymous said...

Love these. Owen's such a fun kid.

Anonymous said...

he looks like a grumpy old man in the 2nd... how funny!

Anonymous said...

True story... He needs to be a model!