Thursday, October 16, 2008


You've heard of PostSecret, right? Steve and I religiously go to the website every Sunday when the new secrets are posted to read them. The basic premise is that people all around the world send in homemade postcards with an anonymous "secret" written on them. Some are funny, some are sad, some are sexual, some are angry, some are scary, some are just plain weird - but they're all fun to read.

this one is one of the first ones that I read at the beginning of PostSecret's inception and it still freaks me right out whenever I read it.
I guess everyone has stuff that they don't tell people, or that they think might be strange or whatever...anyway, I think the concept is really cool. And free-ing. So I thought it might be fun to have our own PostSecret Post here on Random Musings. SO.....

I've enabled anonymous commenting so that if you want to, you can post YOUR secret and it will truly be anonymous. Here's the rules, per PostSecret:

Each secret can be a regret, hope, funny experience, unseen kindness, fantasy, belief, fear, betrayal, erotic desire, feeling, confession, or childhood humiliation. Reveal anything - as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before.

Post one, post five, post ten.....just post! Sometimes somebody else's post might make you think of your own......So, what are you waiting for??? Come on - it'll be fun I promise!


Anonymous said...

im a fake

Anonymous said...

I am scared to death of not mattering

Anonymous said...

that we're all fooling ourselves and its all a lie

Anonymous said...

I am so afraid that I will tragically lose my husband and/or child. I don't think I could ever recover from that.

Anonymous said...

Handcuffs turn me on

Anonymous said...

I have blocked out nine years of my life because I was hatefully teased in school.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes don't care much

Anonymous said...

I wonder what its like to be gay

Anonymous said...

wife beater t shirts turn me on

Anonymous said...

It makes me angry that I have to work so hard for her to love me.
And she still doesn't.

Anonymous said...

I feel that I've been so "lucky" up until now that I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and something tragic to happen to me or my family.

Anonymous said...

In elementary school I had an imaginary dragon that I would ride around our house and neighborhood.

I really miss that dragon.

Anonymous said...

I was beaten for years.

Anonymous said...

I am running out of time...and it scares the crap out of me

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish that I didn't care. Apathy would be so much easier.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was better at showing my appreciation for everything he does for our family.

Anonymous said...

I feel that God is preparing me for something horrible. I've been through a lot and don't know that I want to be around for what is in store.

Anonymous said...

I most often feel as though I don't measure up to the standards as I compare myself with others around me

Anonymous said...

My husband and I love Post Secret too! We read it every Sunday after lunch. We are planning on going to their exhibit when they are here next month.
I've thought about what I would send in to Post Secret, but I honestly don't have a secret. The only thing I can think of is the story of the baby falling on its head in the nursery, but that has been told time and time again.
And can't you tell who is commenting by their IP address?

Anonymous said...

I guess I COULD tell....if I knew how to check IP addresses. Which would take more work and effort than I would care to invest. It's more fun not knowing. :)

Anonymous said...

i am afraid i will let everyone down...including God.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that these responses are incredible!

Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

People tell me I'm beautiful, but I know they're lying.

Anonymous said...

To the boy in 3rd grade who I teased at recess every day for a week:
I know you'll never read this, but I'm so sorry.
I despised myself so much that it made me feel better to ridicule you.

Anonymous said...

my nipple is pierced

Anonymous said...

My heart has been broken so many times that recovery seems impossible.

Anonymous said...

My only run-in with the police (any possibly the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me) was when I nearly got caught having sex in a car on private property. Even I can hardly believe it's true!

Anonymous said...

people will always disappoint you

Anonymous said...

nerly was it interrupted?

Anonymous said...

when I was in college I was invited to an S&M party. So I got someone to give me a flat tire instead

Anonymous said...

when I was in college I was invited to an S&M party. So I got someone to give me a flat tire instead

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was interrupted. And I had to answer the officer's questions without my shirt.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

guess its better than without your pants lol

Anonymous said...

lawenforcemes interruptus...ROFL

Anonymous said...

I had someone hand me their underwear...

Anonymous said...

my heart gets broken easily.

Anonymous said...

I am afraid of complete darkness

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I sleep on the couch in order to give my spouse and child "more room" in bed. The real reason is because sometimes I get so overwhelmed by fear that someone will break into our house that I lay on the couch to protect them in case anyone breaks in.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel like I will ever make my parents happy or proud, so I just gave up on being good enough for them.

Anonymous said...

My parents have no idea the depth to which they've scarred me. I think they think our family was perfect.

Anonymous said...

i have this fear that i will never find the guy for me. the guy that knows that he is imperfect but is made whole by the Perfect One.

Anonymous said...

Due to my parents, I am often afraid that my significant other will begin to feel that I am not enough and will find someone else to fill their needs...

Anonymous said...

I think I'm holding on too tightly. He doesn't need me as much as I need him, and I'm scared I'll drive him away.

Anonymous said...

The first time I had sex with my husband, I knew more about it than he did (though we were both virgins). That fact still makes me feel dirty.

Anonymous said...

In the past I smoked pot.

Anonymous said...

I've shoplifted.

Anonymous said...

I spray axe on in drugstores and wait to see if women will attack me

Anonymous said...

I talk to myself.

A lot.

Anonymous said...

When was 12 I wanted to be Cher.
When I was 18 I wanted to be Joan Jett.
Now, I just want to be able not to pee when I laugh or cough.

Anonymous said...

i'm still in love with my first love. he broke my heart and married someone else.