Friday, October 10, 2008


I feel restless.

We've been in Albany almost 3 years now and I feel like we're knocking on the door of wearing out our welcome. I think there's something in me that desires frequent change, new scenery....and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Winds of change blow loudly in my ears these days.

I want to move.
Or take a vacation.
Or find a new hobby.
Or start a new project.
Or see something new.

Rolls around every few years.
Chews at my soul.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am singing the same song. Except I have been in Albany for 23 years.

Boy am I ready for something new.

Anonymous said...

wow I know that feeling...

Anonymous said...

You could always move back to Ohio. We could join forces and throw our hats into a political arena and clean up the state. But on a personal level, I am getting older by the day and will soon need you to sign the papers to put me promised. ;)

Auntie Dee. :)

Anonymous said...

Hm. Interesting. Spain, anyone?