Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This is me being glass half empty

I can tell already that it's going to be a very bad day. Ever have days like that?
By 8 am there was:
1) MUCH fighting and threatening of spanking because "will you PLEASE just get your freaking school clothes on?" is apparently not clear enough instructions for my 5 year old. Neither is: "GO.BRUSH.YOUR.TEETH.RIGHT.THIS.SECOND" in my "I'm about to go postal on your tiny hiney" voice.

2) the last of the Frosted Mini Wheats and all the crumbs in the bottom of the box dumped on the kitchen floor. FYI - Frosted Mini Wheat crumbs are VERY tiny, and make a VERY large mess.

3) One cardboard circle (from a pizza? I don't know) whipped around the house, stuck in the doorjam, and hitting me in the head. Twice.

4) Multiple instances of crying, tattling, and whining. All before I can even get the coffee brewed.

5) Dog food tossed in the dog water, and dog water splashed all over the floor in the laundry room.

6) One dumped bowl of cereal (tyler). And it wasn't enough to just dump it on his highchair tray. THEN, he thought it would be a good idea to violently wipe his hands around in it and spray milk and Kix in a 2 foot vicinity around him.

7) Tyler climbed on top of the kitchen table 6 times. SIX.

8) A battery powered Thomas the Tank Engine tossed in the master bathroom toilet. Aggravating only because the boys' bathroom toilet is currently out of commission from Tyler tossing something in there LAST week. After I fished out Thomas from the crapper, I whipped him across the bedroom (Thomas, not Tyler). That made me feel a little better.

9) A yet-undiscovered Pee-the-Bed incident. Picking up toys in the boys room, I stumble across some very WET, very ODOROUS pajamas.
"Did you pee the bed last night?" I ask AJ
[thinking] "Nope. I peed my pajamas."

This is all before 8 am. I can't WAIT to see what the rest of the day has in store.


Anonymous said...

Holy crap.
Have fun with all that.

Anonymous said...

and you want another one why?

Anonymous said...

Clint beat me to it

Anonymous said...

Because I thrive on chaos.

and I need a girl.

Doesn't the world need a clone of me for after i'm dead and gone?? :)

Anonymous said...

better get crackin then,,,we all need a little more Tammi in the world

Anonymous said...

oh, my. I'm still laughing! You just described a morning at our house! (minus the cardboard circle and Thomas the train in the toilet) MY son only plays with what belongs in the toilet, i.e. plunger, TP, nasty bowl brush, and flings the water around the room. Good thing you wrote this down though. It'll be something to laugh about...another day.