Sunday, May 28, 2006


I've been in a bit of a creative slump lately. I haven't picked up my camera since I've come back from Michigan. (I suppose it doesn't help that I lost my battery charger on the airplane and my battery is almost dead anyway). Regardless, it's been collecting dust the past few weeks and I've yet to power it back up again.
Tonight I opened up some images from Michigan to play with. AJ is my favorite subject to photograph right now, mostly because he's at a very fun age and will actually look at me occassionally (even if I DO have the camera in front of my face).
This was taken in Michigan....Myself, the boys, and my parents went to a park for a mini shoot and Ayden and I wandered off to this little cemetary. I saw this cool old building - I'm assuming it's where they housed lawn mowers and stuff - hopefully it wasn't just an old mosaleum (sp?).or something - elww. Anyway, it had these awesome blue doors all chipped up and I had to go check it out with AJ. He was pretty much done with pictures by this point, and I had to bribe him with some dusty Pez I found in my camera bag just to get him to sit still for 3 seconds.
This is one of his 2 yr old portraits that I will probably hang in the house somewhere (a big print most likely) and I was playing with different conversions. I'm usually a bw girl, but I liked the blue doors so much I wanted to keep them in. I'm leaning towards the muted color - that way it retains the blue of the door, but has more of a "classic" look to it. This was shot with my 20D, 50mm 1.8 lens...AV 6.0 I think? Not sure on shutter speed.....Opinions?
Going for something different with this last one, but I'm not sure I like it. I like this cross-processed look, but since I don't have anything else like this up in our house, I'm having a hard time picturing it hanging somewhere.

And here he is with his usual demeanor:
He's such a goofball, and very lively. He laughs a lot and is very silly. I imagine he will be the class clown. He can count to 7 in spanish, and can count to about 13 or 14 in English. He knows the alphabet (sort of) and is wicked accurate with a squirt gun. He is a daredevil and will jump off anything, anywhere. He is fearless. He doesn't walk - he never has. Except for his first wobbly days of taking those first few steps (at 9 months old), AJ has spent the majority of his life running, hopping, or skipping.
He is a fun bundle of giggles, grunts, yogurt kisses, and tickles. Can you tell I love this kid?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

too funny... you must have too much time on your hands...