Friday, July 21, 2006

Rabun Gap

We had a great weekend in Rabun Gap last weekend, and I finally feel like I've caught my breath enough to sit down and write about it. I always enjoy getting together with the Cox's and Porter's - we laugh a lot, and joke a lot, but it always leaves me melancholy when the time has passed and I wish for things that could have been and remember things that were so great and were lost. They are good friends.

It was a chaotic weekend - 6 adults, 11 children, 1 weiner dog, cattle, and a few sheep make for an exciting time. Roger & Amy just moved into their spacious home nestled in the beautiful mountains in north Georgia. Their front porch overlooks mountains and it was very peaceful to drink coffe in the mornings and watch the fog roll off the peaks in the distance. There is something to be said about a simple life - although I'm not sure how long Amy will last without a Target within driving distance. There's always though, girl, so have heart. :)

The first morning we were there, the boys and I went for a walk through the countryside. Just up the road from Roger and Amy's house lies a small lake where students can swim, jump on a water trampoline and be nibbled to death by pirahna-like fish that feast on human toes. The scenic pictures above were taken on that walk. Cool thing is, the mountains aren't even completely visible. They're covered by fog, and every morning that we were there, they weren't completely visible until about 10am. So around 8 am on this morning we took these pictures, the fog was still fairly thick. Cattle and sheep roam all over the acreage owned by the school so it was neat to walk through the property and listen to the cows and sheep make their morning animal-farmish noises. You should have seen AJ and Owen's expression when they saw a cow lift up it's tail and um...relieve itself about 10 feet away from us. Jaws to the ground, AJ points and says, "OH WOW! Cow go BIG tinkle!" lol. :)

We took the kids swimming a couple of times at the small lake which was cool & relaxing since it was easily in the mid-90's that weekend. Here's a shot of Emily, completely clothed, which is a rarity. I swear I've never seen a kid who enjoys being in the buff more than this girl. And the Amy's too...who were fried to a crisp in strange patterns due to the crop circles of sunscreen that were applied to their legs and arms. As for me, I got no burn, no tan, nothing to say of our trip to the "beach" other than a smelly bathing suit and sand up my butt.

The guys rigged up a poor man's slip 'n slide out of a tarp and the hose and the kids had fun sliding around on that to beat the heat. Here's a picture of Zach, who insisted that I take his picture like all the big kids. I'm not sure if he's showing me Little Bunny FooFoo or flashing me a gang symbol. I'll get back to you on that one.

Anyway, we had a great weekend. We couldn't be more happy for Roger and Amy...they'll have no problem fitting in with their new "family" at Rabun Gap. Now if they could just get US in there......:)

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