Thursday, August 10, 2006

Twinkies While I Pull My Hair Out

So, I've had a long day. I'm still feeling a little melancholy about yesterday's bad news, and the boys were pretty naughty like...EVERY SECOND of the entire day, I had a headache most of the afternoon, and I'm totally PMS-ing (I know, I know, that's the last I'll say of it - don't you hate when women talk about that stuff? I that's the end of it. Seriously. Right here. No more of that talk. Just had to give you a little know, setting up the scene for ya.)
Started the morning off bright 'n early with Owen sitting beside me saying, "mama.mama.mama.mama.mama.mama.mama." My eyes still glued shut I rasp, "yesssss, Owen?"
"I need waffles" he says.
He's so darn chipper in the mornings.

AJ is still sleeping beside me (because I usually spend the majority of my night in bed with one of the rugrats due to the fact that I have completely failed Getting Your Children To Sleep In Their Own Bed All Alone, All Night Long 101). I lay back down as he scampers off to the kitchen. I can hear him open the fridge and pull out random objects, ketchup, egg carton hitting the floor, pouring his own milk....ok, I couldn't HEAR all that, but I was imagining it and I was too tired to care). I'm thinking that I can deal with a completely hosed kitchen if I can just get 10 more minutes of sleep. Until AJ rolls over and smacks me in the face with his small, yet solid little fist. Rise and Shine I guess.

The day was a series of messes and naughty behavior that escalated throughout the day and was abated by nothing...not a trip to the library, not a trip to the grocery store, not going out for lunch. Naughty Kidlet Energy bubbled over today until I finally snapped when I caught Owen peeing on the train table and AJ giving Toy Story's Woody a "bath" in the potty. I sent them to their room (which looks as though Toys R Us has exploded all over the floor and walls) and shut the door and locked it for 5 minutes of peace (well, as peaceful as it can get when I hear Veggie Tales blasting "O Christmas Tree" at top decibal from their stereo in their room).
Earlier when we were at the grocery store, I had bought a box of Twinkies on a whim - I haven't had a Twinkie in years, and now sounded like a pretty dang good time to gorge on some. I stuffed myself of 3 of them---savoring their delicious cakey goodness with the gooey cream-filled center-- in the course of about 37 seconds and instantly felt better. Twinkies may have a shelf life of 20 years, but they sure do hit the spot when you're about to jump off the nearest cliff...Now if only I had had some juiced up Diet Coke to top it off.....:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had not read this blog... (shame on me!) was good & I remember this day!!!!!

P.S. I like the word kidlet!