Friday, September 1, 2006

My First REAL Attempt At Sports Photography

So...first game with Albany Herald was tonight, was so much freak'n FUN! :) I had a great time! And it was *very* interesting to be amid 50 teenage boys and 6 coaches right on the sidelines....A LOT of testosterone happen' down there! Anyway...I learned a lot, have a lot of stuff I"ll do differently next time, but overall I think I didn't do half bad. My boss said that I got 4 images that they could use in the paper from all that I shot and he said that was really good for my first time out. He told me when we got back that the shots that go in the paper have 1) good composition (duh) 2) are in focus (duh again) and 3) have the ball in the photo. Blast! Wish I had known that at the BEGINNING of the game, cuz every once in awhile I would get a good shot of a great tackle or something more photo-journalistic. Something to remember....Anyway..just started weeding through them and here's a few to share:


Anonymous said...

Congradulations! Your boss is right. The photos are very good and to get four usable prints on your first assignment is really good.


Anonymous said...

You did a great job! Keep up the good work. Mom

Anonymous said...

I would say they are really good for your first time to, but now that you have learned don't forget that I need some good pictures like that for the yearbook. And I will even probably use some of the good tackle pictures.
that is of course when you have time. Now that you have this big new great awesome job and all.

Anonymous said...

I always you could do ANYTHING that was presented to you. Great shots - and I know how much you know about football! Did they use the prints? Congrats girl - you are my hero!

Anonymous said...

You are wicked talented...and I'm not one for flattery. You are just really amazing.

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome! Look out Chicago Marathon! Maybe you have uncovered a hidden talent.


Anonymous said...

WOW. These made me actually Lean in closer to my computer (which I didn't realize I was doing) to try and get "more" of the picture. THAT"S Good.

They make me feel like I was RIGHT THERE. OR...That I should have been there because I missed something. For photos to be able to evoke good.