Sunday, September 10, 2006

River Party Take1 I took about 215 pictures yesterday at the Volleyball River Party - (I was playing with my new lens -yes, I'm a geek with a big camera, or a big geek with a camera, depending on how you look at it) and I weeded them out last night and came up with about 85 keepers. They were fun to download and look at....some of them made me smile, some of them made me laugh out loud. You guys are a lot of fun. :)

I'm going to try to post a whole bunch of them on here, but sometimes Blogger wigs out when I post too many pics, so we'll see how this goes.

And if any of you girls out there are reading this and you want copies, bring me a disc to the game or to practice and I'll burn you a copy of all the pics.

Oh...and if you click on the picture, it will open it in a new window, bigger. :)


Anonymous said...

Those are fantastic! Big Camera-Geek we love you. What a blast!
Except for that snotty looking
chick in that loud purple shirt.. yuck. :)
Hey, love the ones of my hubby, you definately captured his personality! He is going to roar with laughter when he sees these. And Volley Girls... you rock!

Anonymous said...

ok thanks for all the pics but the last one needs to go...I LOOK ABSOLUTELY HUGE!!! yuck!

Anonymous said...

HA-HA Casey! (note the exclamation point)
Calling for a group poll here: Doesn't Dan look like a Leprechaun?I mean a really big Leprechaun?
When the kids were really little he used to tell them that he really was one and that on St.Pat's he would become small and search for pots of gold. Hmmm....

Anonymous said...

the Tam...and please note the white knuckles on the raft of the Leprechaun...

CLothesless in NY!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok...I'm hoping that "clothesless in NY" is dan implying that he lost his luggage on his trip. Otherwise I have concerns that there may be some naked freak across the country stalking my blog (which could actually be true in either case).
I may have to set up some comment rules. Please check one to identify yourself:

a. Dan
b. Freak
c. both a and b