1. He claims to have been quite the stud in middle school. But really, who's a stud in middle school? Well, he says he was. Ask him about it. He's got some stories.
2. On our first date, he took me to the Cottage Inn - a restaurant/pub in downtown Grand Rapids. Then we went to a smoky pool hall and shot pool for hours. That won him some MAJOR cool points in my book. He's not your dinner-and-a-movie kinda guy.
3. He bought me my first "real" camera when we were in college.
4. He single-handedly ran intramurals at the university that we attended. I was supposed to be his assistant...but um, yeah, not so much.
5. He is cool. Really cool. Kids like him. He relates well to students and they respect his honesty and candor.
6. He was spoiled rotten. Once he pitched a fit when his family went out to eat because he didn't like the restaurant. So they left. And went where he wanted. Did I mention he was TWELVE when this happened?
7. He hates milk. But sometimes he can't help himself and he'll eat a bowl of cereal. The physical ramifications are less than ideal.
8. He's been coaching basketball since he was 19 years old, starting with the Homeschool Basketball League in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It sounds lame, but it was the big time, man. And they could've kicked SCA's butt.
9. He is spiritually restless. And that's a very good thing. He's always reading, always studying, trying out new ideas and thoughts. He's never satisfied. And I think that's really, really admirable.
10. Once, when we lived in the ghetto, a man approached him needing money for "his pregnant wife who was sitting in their broke-down car and they needed some money for gas" blah, blah, blah. He believed him and emptied out his pockets for him. I love that about him.
11. Flying makes him nervous. Not scared. Nervous. Good thing he has a wife and kids to keep him distracted.
12. When Owen was 1 week old, he was changing his diaper and Owen blasted runny yellow newborn poop all over his chest. It still makes me laugh.
13. He proposed in the best way ever. EVER. Ask him.
14. He had a dog named Nikki who lived to be 14. He had her since he was in elementary school. She died last year and he sobbed like a baby for hours. I love that about him too.
15. He is the BEST dad. As I type this, he is playing "My First Alphabet Game" with A.J. and watching Veggie Tales for at least the 35th time this weekend. And he hasn't complained once.
16. He was an R.A. in college and was actually really good about NOT breaking the rules.
17. Thanksgiving '99 he helped me bottle-feed 4 abandoned newborn kittens all weekend. Around the clock. Every 3 hours.
18. He loves to golf. Earlier this year, he came 1 inch away from winning a hole-in-one prize for a BMW at a golf tournament. He was pissed about it for 2 weeks.
19. He has many talents. He could be many, many things - a pastor, an athletic director, a teacher, a youth leader, a coach.
20. Just earlier this month, he learned to played "Doggie Bone" on the piano. I love a man that's still willing to learn.
21. He can barely use a power drill and no way does he know how to put sandpaper on the circular sander. But he can take care of you when you're sick like nobody's business. He knows just what you need, when you need it and he's really good at making you feel loved.
22. He almost passed out when Owen was born. They brought in a chair for him to sit on. :)
23. He went to "refinement" classes in elementary school. He can eat a fancy meal and dance like you wouldn't believe. Or...he would have, if he hadn't snuck out of them with his friend.
24. He knows every song and every word of every song from the 80's. And will sing them with gusto, if given the opportunity.
25. His freshman year of college, he died his hair yellow (blond) and pierced his ear. It looked ridiculous, but I said that I liked it.
26. He has a great laugh and an adorable desire to please.
27. He never yells. Never raises his voice. Never swears. He helps me name our big fights - "The dish-scrubby fight of '01", "The money fight of '02"
28. Today is his 28th birthday. Happy birthday Steve-o. I love you.