Friday, December 8, 2006


The *Blink * theory is about the first two seconds of looking--the decisive glance that knows in an instant.

This is an interesting idea to apply to photography, because how many times do I pass on an opportunity to capture a moment I love because the lighting isn't ideal, or the angle is weird, or the kids have snot all over their face? Or how many photos do I put in the computer trash bin because they're out of focus, or someone else would think it's weird, or it doesn't have much visual impact - it's just a foot, or a blur of a child running by?

Today I employed blink. AJ was sleeping on the air mattress in the computer room and I was working. I turned around and there he was - fast asleep, peacefully dreaming. How many times have I taken pictures of him sleeping? What would make this one any different from a million others?? *BLINK* I followed my gut and quietly snapped a few. It took 8 seconds. I didn't fiddle with settings, look for the best angle, I just took them. Are they technically perfect? No. Do they mean much to anyone but me? Probably not. But I'm glad I listened to my heart, and I'm glad I took these pictures. This is A.J....sleeping, taking a nap in the middle of the day. Normally he doesn't do this, but he has been fighting a cold for a few weeks now, so he's been more tired than usual. Or maybe he's growing. But daytime naps are few and far between for him, and I want to remember this time of siesta in the middle of my baby's day. Snuggled up with a warm blanket, binky plugged into his tiny mouth, chest gently rising and falling.

Photography doesn't have to be your medium - journals, blogs, scrapbooks, art...there are many ways to follow your gut and in a thousand different circumstances.
Blink. Follow your gut.

Today he is 2 years 8 months old, and I want to remember that.


Anonymous said...

just so you know, you make average moms pictures look like crap... thats half a compliment and half an "im in awe" of your talent

Anonymous said...

so, okay, you're talking about me, right? I'm the "average mom". You should know alot about crap.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, me again. This time I'll address Tammi. Haven't been blogging for awhile so I just got down to "the announcement"; I wondered who you had announced to. BTW, not to upstage you or anything, but try going to a pharmacy WITH your FOUR kids and asking for a pregnancy test; yeah, the looks they give you after they count one-two-three-four, twice, THAT would be a photograph for the baby book.

Glad you've "outed" yourself...and you won't go destitute, crazy maybe, but not destitute. Did you really say, "I'm got myself knocked up", emphasis on "I'm". Poor thing, you probably did; it's the shock factor, makes you slur your words and go into la-la land/denial mode, hence the--how many?--tests. Why do they put the tests behind the counter? Are kids so desparate now that they're sucking the chemicals out of 'em or something? AND What about Steve being gone so much lately? I guess he wasn't gone THAT much; unless I digress further, I must go. It's 3:45 cst. Motherhood!

Anonymous said... dear...amaze me. On so many levels!
your photography, your writing, your sense of style, your sense of motherly love!!!!

It is yours' & Steve's AMAZING personalities that make you 2 of my favorite people!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Katie - thanks. I think.

Amy - yes, he IS gone all the time. Although some simple math would suggest that this child was conceived in October - BEFORE basketball season got under way. :) matter how busy life gets, you know men always make time know, eating, sleeping, and other....stuff.

Anonymous said...


i don't know anything about simple math, i'm just an average mother. ")


Anonymous said...

no see you two are making a simple "compliment" into something mean. I meant the disposable camera, finger in the way, hilarious blackmail type photo that tammi will never have because shes amazing... but nooo it has to be aimed at amy which is soo not true. =0) anyways.. tammi will you have steve call me when he has a minute?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only mother who still lets her two-year-old go to sleep with a binky! Although my daughter calls hers a "pappy".

Anonymous said...

I hope that my "in the moment" pictures turn out as well as yours do! You are an amazing photographer, and I love seeing the beautiful work you do. You are an inspiration! Please keep posting pics!