Monday, January 8, 2007

Peanut Butter Toast .....

...makes me happy.



Anonymous said...

no comments on this one...huh?...
what with all the philosophical subject matter I figured there would have been tons of 'em.
Oh well, I concur!

Anonymous said...

Well, I DID just post it like, 6 minutes ago. Give it time.
I know there's more PB Toast lovers out there.

Anonymous said...


tried to cut out carbs today and broke down and ate a frozen twinky at 3:30 today followed by generous portions of hubby's birthday cake. Shoulda just started the day with pb toast.

Anonymous said...

I vote, "Yay!" AND PB w/sugar, grandma always made PB w/sugar when we spent the night; I still remember the taste of the sugar melting into the PB oil. Thanks for the memory.

Anonymous said...

a FROZEN twinkie?? that sounds intersting.

PB Toast with sugar on it?? Now that I don't know about. I might have to give it a try, even though it sounds revolting. It could be the next PB&J - You never know....