Last night we rented Dream Girls. Not because we had any real desire to see it per se, but only because it was nominated for so many academy awards we thought it *must* be good.
Well, we didn't like it.
At all.
It started out as a movie, turned into a musical, gave me a migraine from a few too many "power singing" moments (it's like listening to the climax of the National Anthem in the key of C at the Superbowl, with your ear pressed right against the 12 foot tall speakers).
Thing is, I LIKE musicals. A Lot. Rent, Chicago, Sound of Music, Newsies, Phantom, whatever-- I dig it. But this one? Ugh. We fast-forwarded through about half of the movie. And if I have to listen to Jennifer Hudson's caterwauling for 2 more seconds, I'll pull of my own ears with needle nose pliers. Although by that point it won't matter, because my eardrum will most likely be blown, along with a few of Hudson's vocal chords.
Bottom line: I was glad when it was (finally) over.
3 comments: why is it that we only pick sucky movies...From now on, we should just rent classics that we KNOW we like!
I like the Anthem's like if they were to that octave jump on "free" and hold it for 2 days!!!
thanks for movie info.
have a good mom's day?
that video cracked me up.
seen "naked states"? weird but cool.
For the sake of our marriages and to escape the wrath of a pregnant woman (my escape...Steve's on his own), I've set my blog so that Steve can post "anonymous"...but I like your idea better...let him get his own identity.
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