Confession: I have never voted. Not once. Not ever. I know, I just never seemed that important to me...I mean, really, does my vote actually make a difference?? I used to think not, but this time around I will be voting, for a myriad of reasons.
Anyway, I find the whole shabang a little befuddling. Politics in general infuriate me, because I truly believe that not a single one of them is ever completely honest or has the best intentions for the American public. Here's a short little quiz you can take to see which candidate your views line up with most. Take it...tell me who the quiz says you're standing with.
VoteMatch Quiz
shame on you.....every vote counts, just ask AL!!!!
Guess who I aligned with?
I just registered to vote 2 wks ago when I renewed my driver's license. And I'm with Dano, every vote DOES count.
The quiz said I'm a Conservative-Leaning Populist. Don't quite know what to think of that.
I had a great comment, but my wife made me delete it when she read it. Basically, I feel about the same as you when it comes to politicians.
Dano...I would have a hard time guessing you - you always surprise me.
E-I'm a moderate populist. I started to read what it all meant, but I'll delve further into that later. Interesting site, though, doncha think??
clint-dang, I'm always up for a good political sludge! Don't even get me STARTED on politics. Or religion for that matter.
You notice I never touch those topics on my blog?? I have reasons...I'm slightly concerned that divulging my "moderate populist" swing may get me in some trouble.
It was the religious part of my comment that she was most concerned about...don't know how much longer I can contain myself!!
The quiz puts me with Hillary...
I don't know what to think about that...but
I think I'm okay. :)
My results... pretty much what I expected...
Your political philosophy is
Populist Conservative.
My views line up most with the politian who has the most appearences on the Daily Show.
Yeah, I am going to have to take it again. I totally forgot who I aligned with. Crap. I will get back to you.
I am a "Populist Conservative" and I lined up with Rev. Huckabee and Tom Tancredo about the same. How accurate this is I don't know, There are a few people I would switch around a bit, but it got who I oppose dead on.
Well Tammi, this link you shared with everyone is a sure way to start arguments among couples. ;) Uncle Gerry and I enjoyed taking this quiz and found where we have many differnt views on issues, in the end we still ended up Populists. I am going to save this link and take the test again in a year from now when the candidates running have stopped changing their minds on the issues and have settled into what they feel will win them the votes.
A Liberal-Leaning Populist and a Hard Core Populist live here!
Guess who is who. LOL
I am a moderate populist... I am about to start reading all the stuff on it. fun!
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