Sunday, September 2, 2007

What to do in Albany??

Well, lemme just tell ya.
My family was here for a week and I think we did a pretty good job of keeping occupied...considering the city we had to work with.
We went swimming, we painted stuff at the ClaySpot, we went to SCA Volleyball matches, Steve-0, Rob, and Johnny went to the SCA football game on Friday night, and a few other things...prepare for an onslaught of pictures.

Wednesday, Rob asked my niece Abby what she wanted to do that day and she firmly said, "bowling". Owen and AJ have never been bowling and they had SO much fun. AJ would scream and jump up and down in celebration every single time he knocked down a pin. It was a lot of fun to watch the kids...good idea Abby! :)

Here's O and A scoping out the lanes. I thought their little bowling shoes were so cute. :)

kenny was our #1 cheerleader. This kid is always smiling. :)

AJ screaming in excitement. He was so funny to watch....

Call the American Bowling's a pro in the making....

Robby's intent on beating his dad....

Amanda & Abby join in AJ's excitement...

Rob gets a strike....or four....

Johnny gearing up to push the ball down the ramp....
All the kids (except Kenny)...


Anonymous said...

Bowling is fun... we should definately do it more... we should go for midnight bowling... with the glow-in-the-dark & loud music...
Wow... I have no life!

Anonymous said...

aww. wow theres a ton of posts, I need to catch up!!! I love the ones of aj... how freakin sweet =]