Thursday, November 1, 2007

Would you Rather....

Be completely alone, no contact of any kind with another human being, for one year


NEVER be alone, not even for one second, for an entire year??


Anonymous said...

Never be alone... because it would eventually end but during that year... you would have other peoples' company...

The alternative leaves you lonely... and that's sad!

Anonymous said...

I am way too much of a people person to be left alone for a whole year. So I am going to choose the second one.

I hate being by myself *shudder*

Anonymous said...

Guess I'm sad!

If those are my only 2 options then I'd say...alone for a year. I would grow tired of both in about 2 weeks, but I could handle being alone much better than someone being right there with me 24/7...I think?

Someone there 24/7 *double shudder*

Anonymous said...

As long as I have TV w/satellite, alone 1 year, no problem!

Anonymous said...

"They" say that after 30 days in solitary, people start to go crazy.

30 days with kids has been known to cause women to start blogs that go on about lost lizards, bell's palsy pumpkins and no-win questions.

Men and T.V...

Anonymous said...

Never be alone for sure! I would go crazy being alone.

Anonymous said...

Never be alone.

People are what make life interesting. Different thoughts, ideas, personalities, etc... Life would be boring without them.

Anonymous said...

using the bathroom after a particularly gluttonous trip to Moe's could prove to be embarrassing if you chose to never be alone.

Having "relations" could be awkward too....unless you're into voyeurism.

Anonymous said...