Thursday, July 31, 2008

Georgia Aquarium

We went to the Georgia Aquarium last week, which I was totally stoked about because I've been waiting to go there ever since it opened. Because I like fish and animals and stuff.
So there.

So anyway, our mistake was in going around noon....they only let in 100 people an hour, but by noon, there are about 300+ people in there, and the place was PACKED. We had to wait to get up to the glass at every single exhibit.
Was it worth the money? Sure, but only if you go at the first time slot available so you don't have to fight through the rude, pushy, and non-deodorant wearing crowd just to get a glimpse.

Consequently, my pictures are less than stellar because I was trying to take photos, hold onto the stroller, keep an eye on the 3 kids among the throngs of potential kidnappers, and enjoy the animals as well. :)

Here's Steve and the boys coming out the tank/tunnel thing. The GA Aquarium boasts the largest saltwater tank in the United States, maybe even the world - I'm not sure, I'll have to check on that.

Here's a tip when taking photos at a zoo or aquarium:
Place your camera's lens directly on the glass. It eliminates the glare and will give you a great picture.
That said, I didn't do that with any of these pictures because there were too many people.
But anyway, now you know.

Here's a picture of Owen who was really transfixed by the sea lion exhibit. They were his favorite and I had a hard time getting him to leave.
This picture is also for DanO so that he can grunt and be disdainful over the length of Owen's hair.

Loved this pattern on this fish....

Not a seahorse, but a seaDRAGON. Cool, huh?

These aren't very good pictures (yes, I take crappy pictures sometimes) but I thought they were so cool I had to show them to you. They're called Garden Eels, and they live in sandy burrows, which they construct. When feeding, the Spotted Garden Eel rises out of its burrow, exposing up to two-thirds of its body. It feeds on zooplankton taken from the passing current.
I just wrote all of that from the vast knowledge in my head.

Actually, I had to look it up on the internet.

This was one of my favorite exhibits, they had this really peaceful instrumental music playing that gave the room an eerie, yet hauntingly beautiful aura.
Tyler liked 'em too.
He kept pointing his little finger in every exhibit and saying, "oh wow"

One of my favorite pics of the day....
I have other pics, but they're nothing impressive. GA Aquarium also has a whale shark, which was gorgeous, and beluga whales, and a lot of other cool stuff. Check it out if you're ever in ATL with time to kill...just make sure you get in at the first time slot of the day!

More posts tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Now I'm jealous. I've been WAITING to go to the aquarium. Right now I'm holding out for fall break/my b'day. And I'm with Tyler, I find the jellyfish to be mesmerizing.


Anonymous said...

I love Owen's hair in these!!!

p.s. your music is great now!

Anonymous said...

Aw! i LOVE Owen's hair! It's rockin!
I'll be in Atlanta in a week and now I am dying to take the kiddos there! maybe we'll go super early... =]

Thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

Zac and I went in April and there was not a line at all - ha,ha - although you know, there was the gum police. Did they search you for gum b/c I still have a sneaking suspicion that all they wanted was a piece of gum to chew.

I LOVED the jelly fish too and have a cool pic of Zac in there; we'll have to compare.

Like Owen's hair. Jake's is about that long but totally straight and getting cut tomorrow for school--JUST off the collar though, no higher. :0)

Hmm, there was something else...oh yeah, thanks for the tip, I almost always have glare.

Awesome niece/nephew photo. Poop in the hand, huh? You should try that again - it could be your signature.