Sunday, July 20, 2008

What A Shocker

Ha! Saw this over on 'Ness's blog so I gave it a can do it too (even guys):


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!


Anonymous said...

OMG, I got a 59 superior and I thought I was answering all the questions right so that I'd be a real loser wife...ugh...pouting.

Cannot decide if I like the answer or not. I DON"T give my husband manicures or shampoo his hair, btw. That was the weirdest question.

Help, I'm stuck with eight kids for four days...and it's 105 degrees outside!!!

Anonymous said...

I scored an 87!!! highly superior.kickin it old school...and I always have a haircut, don't smoke in bed, and my suits are pressed.....great questions

Anonymous said...

I got average... but there is a good possibility that I lied on a few questions. lol.

Anonymous said...

96... I am an old soul I guess...

Anonymous said...

since you're no longer being watched by big brother, are you going to make your blog public again?

If ya did,I could add it to my reader and wouldn't have to check 100X/day to see if you've updated yet

Anonymous said...

Clint has a good point... I second that motion...