Thursday, November 6, 2008

Conversations with AJ

Last night, at the pet store in the mall:
Looking at some puppies, who come up to the window and start jumping and biting at them through the glass:
Owen: oooohhhh! They're so CUTE!
AJ: Oh look! They love me!
Owen: Can we get one mama?
AJ (sadly): We can't, Owen. Daddy doesn't like puppies.

LOL! :)


Last night, right before falling asleep:

AJ: Mama, we need a goyle baby (girl baby)
Me: We do? Why is that?
AJ: Because we don't have one!
Me: Well, what would we do with a girl baby in this house?
AJ: Love her, and rock her, and pway wif' her.
Me: Hmmm.....maybe. We don't have much room for a baby here. Our house is pretty full with 3 boys, don't you think?
AJ: No, we have room for more.
She can stay in our room!! IS that a great idea?
Me: It's a brilliant idea. We'll talk about it some more another day. Goodnight.
AJ: G'night.

This morning, AJ was watching one of those weird/gross cartoons on Cartoon Network. One of the characters loudly farted (freaking hilarious, apparently - although I usually miss the humor). I puckered my face up in disdain and looked over at AJ with the stink eye.
He looks back and says, "WELL!?! It wasn't ME!"
Today, driving in the car - AJ notices the speed limit sign as we drive by and announces it to the car.
"The speed limit is firty here!"
{no one responds}
Me: Okay AJ, thanks.
AJ: Are you goin' firty, mama?
Me: Yup, I'm going 30.
AJ: Lemme see
Me: You can't - you have to stay buckled in your seat.
AJ: Or the po-leese will get me.
Me: Yup.
AJ: And they'll catch me, and get me, and take me the dentist.

(click to enlarge)


Anonymous said...

Freaking Adorable!!!

I actually thought of AJ last night @ the Vienna Boys Choir concert...
there were these 2 little twin boys from Canada with the most beautiful Soprano Voices... but when they sang the Austrian Folk Songs (especially the one with clapping & stomping) they got that little AJ look in their eyes and were nearly giggling...
It was so cute & I wanted to take them home with me!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun kid!

Anonymous said...

Did you see MY puppies at the pet store? The Pek-a-chis? Part chihuahua, part pekingnese, 150% cute?

Anonymous said...

LOL! AJ ism's are great. NO not the dentist, not the dentist!!