Friday, February 20, 2009

Time for a Big Boy Bed

Please tell me that you have some fantastical advice for how to keep your toddler in bed at night.

For about a week now, Ty has been crawling out of his crib. It's made naptime, and bedtime a bit of a And by "challenge" I mean a total FREAKING NIGHTMARE.
Well, earlier this week, he cut his eye open on one of his Houdini escape antics, so we're thinking that in the next week or so (whenever we get the time) it'll be time to tear down the crib and move to a big kid bed.
The other day I did our usual regular nighttime routine, put him in his crib, and stood outside his door. He climbed out, opened his door and without saying a word, I picked him up and put him back in bed. I was determined to outlast him.
Well....after we did this little routine TWENTY TIMES (not joking), HE outlasted me. I was about to pull my hair out. And this has become the thing that we do before every nap, and before bed every night. I KNOW he's tired. I KNOW he should go to bed...(it's not like I'm putting him down prematurely) but he will NOT stay in that bed. He's been our best sleeper so far - say goodnight, lay him down and he goes to sleep and stays asleep for 12 hours, so now I'm flustered to say the least.

And it gets worse: The past 3 nights, he's also got in the habit of waking up around midnight, or 1 am and he'll be UP FOR 2 HOURS!!! What can we do??? I put him in bed, over and over and over and over, and he repeatedly climbs out. I don't want to lock him in there (yet) because he can't climb BACK INTO the crib when he finally gets tired, but he won't settle back down. I was even so desperate that I tried to just let him sleep with us (which I was LOATHE to do, but so tired at the moment that I didn't care) and he wouldn't even settle in and lay with us. And it makes for two very tired, cranky parents when we're messing with our 1 year old for 2 hours in the middle of the night. *sigh*

I considered getting one of those net-crib cover thingies to contain him in the crib and night, but I'm not sure how well they work. Right now, we're planning on switching to a big bed in the next week or so, and getting a childproof lock for the door (so he can't open it at night) and then, if he wakes up and climbs out of bed, he'll be awake, but at least contained to his (baby-safe) room.

This is a first time for me.....Owen was in a big boy bed (and staying in it all night) by 15 months, and AJ hardly ever used a crib, so I'm at a total loss as to what to do about this situation.

So if anyone out there has any ideas or suggestions, I'm all ears!!
Right after I go take a nap.


Melissa said...

I feel your pain. My girls are in the same room, in the same bed, so it makes things interesting. We have been putting them in bed, and standing right there over them until they both fall asleep. Sometimes it is 10 minutes, sometimes it is an hour. We tell them to close their eyes and keep them closed. Chastisement spoon in hand of course. Works for us. Good luck!

Amy Lynn said...

Oh my. You have got quite the predicament. I cant really speak from experience (yet), but I have been reading up on when to put Z in a big boy bed recently. And they say that if your child is climbing out of the crib, that is a sure fire sign.

I read one thing where a mom suggests putting the mattress on the floor... her son threw a tantrum and fell asleep, then they moved him to the mattress later on that night. She said after a week or so of that he just stayed there, then they bought a "big boy bed" and there was no problem.

I don't know if that will help... but let me just say, I do not envy your situation! Best of luck to you. :)

TendrHart said...

I have said for years, this is God's little joke. He wants you to have children so the first one comes out being a little love and never does anything wrong, then #2 comes along and the child is a bit more challenging but still a little love. Then #3 comes along and you think, "If I had this one first he would be an only child!" See, God wants you to have more then one but when he knows you have enough he throws a little devilment into the mix. ;) Just ask Rob is I speak the truth or not. LOL

Your childless Auntie Dee ;)

Anonymous said...

have a couple

Because the child lacks boundaries and rules,(see eggs) he's simply following his own agenda.

You could always ankle cuff him to the post

tammi said...

Anonymous - are you that chick from YouTube??

I will CUT you down


Heidi said...

I vote for the ankle cuff... LOL! Sometimes it seems that is the only answer. :) If you haven't thought of the "plan" we use, then you probably don't want me to suggest it to you. Although, I must say, it has had a 100% success rate...(not w/out much repitition and consistency though- esp. w/ #3 and #4) GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gramma can LOL! However, I could say they say duct tape works wonders - NOT ON MY GRANDCHILD! Hey just send him to Gramma's until he is 4 or 5 (or until he is a teen) & then NO problems :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Gramma can LOL! However, I could say they say duct tape works wonders - NOT ON MY GRANDCHILD! Hey just send him to Gramma's until he is 4 or 5 (or until he is a teen) & then NO problems :-)