Monday, March 30, 2009
Vote for me!
So if you read my blog, like my work, think I'm the sha-zizzle, or even if you don't...Vote for me, purty please???
Friday, March 27, 2009
New Phone Number
We have new phone numbers.
So in case you missed the email (from two accounts), and the Twitter, and the Facebook update, and the Facebook message, and the post on the biz apparently live under a rock.
Steve-o: 229-669-8544
Me: 229-669-8545
Friday, March 20, 2009
He needs "your things"
AJ: What's wrong Ty??
AJ: You need a drink?
Ty: DINK. *unintelligible blabber*
AJ: mom, tyler wants a drink of milk. We need to get home so he can get a drink from your things.
Me: My things??
AJ: yeah, you know - your things. That babies drink from.
We had to have a little talk about that.
I think he was a little confused.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Videos, Videos, Videos....
Last night the kindergartners and 1st graders at Owen's school had a little performance revolving around Dr. Suess.
Here they are singing Dr. Suess We Love You. In case you don't recognize Owen, he's the cutest one. Right by the boy in the wheelchair.
Here's another song...I think it's called Open Me...or something like that anyway.
And the last song they sang, The Tutti Ta's the weirdest song ever. But I guess the kids like it. They surprised a couple of the teachers and made them come up on stage and sing it with them. It's funny only because you look like a total moron while you sing the song and do the motions.
Speaking of music, here's Tyler as I attempt to catch him in the act of dancing. He's really funny, because when a fast-tempo song comes on he breaks it down and dances like a wild man. But if you try to video tape him, or take pictures...he looks at you out of the corner of his eye and slows everything down to a little booty-shake. LOL
Here he is again - this is just to show family far away how big he's getting. His vocabulary is expanding every day. He's sitting on daddy's lap here, looking at the laptop - trying to get dad to turn on The Wiggles on Youtube.
And just because you haven't seen or heard from AJ in he is after Owen's performance last night. We stopped at Sonic on the way home to get the boys dinner and he was goofing around. As always.
Here he is on the first warm day of spring, outside hitting balls with Steve. I think he only hit one in this video, but give him a break. He's only 4. And he's a little rusty. :)
And yes, he's wearing pajamas.
and giraffe galoshes.
And steve would like to point out that he's a swing hitter.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Some Tidbits For Ya....
AJ is out of town with Steve-o...and has been for two days - so that's why there's no pictures of him from today.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Garden 2009
Just wanting to clear that up for the skimmers who won't read the whole thing and think that I wrote this.
When our first baby was born a boy…I was very happy knowing that any other children we would have in the future would be under the protection of an older brother.
When our second baby was born a boy…I was glad our oldest son now had a brother to play with.
When our third baby was born a boy…I decided that God must have something special in mind for our family. THREE boys?
When I was pregnant with our fourth baby…you can just guess what everyone around me was saying.
“Going for a girl this time?” “Finally going to have a sister for all those boys?” “You’re having a girl, right?” “I bet you’re sure hoping for a girl this time!”
With each of my pregnancies…we waited to find out whether the baby was a boy or a girl. We loved the surprise…though no one around us did. ESPECIALLY when I was pregnant with our fourth! Everyone was dying to know if we were finally going to have a girl!
When our fourth baby was born a boy…they laid him on my chest…and all my husband and I could do was laugh for joy that God had given us yet another son!
Boys are so sweet. Boys love their Mamas like crazy. Boys think their Daddys are the best. Boys….ah boys. Boys bring such joy.
Whoever said that only little girl clothes are cute…and that you can never find any cute little boy clothes…never saw all the adorable outfits at my blue baby showers.
And I dare say…there’s a little something to be said for being able to run a comb through their hair real quick before dashing out the door. No bows or braids or hair doo-dads to keep track of.
I love how boys play (now that I’m used to it!). Our house is usually noisy, rough and fast…there’s not a lot of tip-toeing or sitting down quietly to color pictures at the table.
Generally…I find that the male greeting (between my boys and all of their friends who come over to play) has little to do with words…and a lot to do with grabbing onto and pulling one another down to the floor into an immediate wrestling match.
I’ve learned to look the other way…smile…and shake my head about so many things that I used to fear would turn into a trip to the Emergency Room. Boys play rough…they can’t help it. They make noise…it oozes out of their pores.
Rolls of wrapping paper become swords or light sabers. Toast and grilled cheese sandwiches are chewed into the shape of little guns. Math books become drums. Little pink erasers become race cars.
Everything (everything) becomes a competition…who can finish their milk first…who can put their jammies on the fastest…who can get from the kitchen to the living room without touching the floor.
It’s one big, loud, ball game at our house all day long…and I wouldn’t trade it for all tea parties in Boston.
I consider it a huge honor to be the mama of boys. Boys who we pray will grow up and be Godly leaders some day. Boys who we pray will be Godly husbands and daddys some day.
Oh…and some day…I’ll have daughters. Some day…four of your daughters will grow into godly young ladies who will marry my sons. I’ll take them shopping and we’ll cook and do hair together.
Until then…I’ll just continue to feed mountains of mashed potatoes and huge stacks of pancakes to all these boys while they make all the noises with their armpits that they are so good at making and while they laugh at all the things boys can’t help but think are funny.
They are…boys.
Boys who have completely and totally won my heart.
Cool, huh? Echos my thoughts exactly. Except that part about doing hair with my future daughter in laws. Cuz that's weird.
I will definitely NOT being doing hair with grown women anytime soon.
I love our boys and I've said before that I hope to have (at least) one more child in the future....and it would be just fine with me if it was yet another...boy.Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Domestic Violence
I don't doubt that statistic necessarily, but I was surprised that the number was that high. Then again, I don't think I've ever known anyone who's been a victim of domestic violence. Or maybe I have, and just not been aware???
Anyway....out of curiosity's sake:
Friday, March 6, 2009
Post Secret....Round Two
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sick Boys
Big Boy Bed
I just used some bedding that we had tucked away in the linen closet - the headboard is the back of his crib. I've still got a couple of design elements that I want to add to that wall next to the window, but I'm still looking around for just the right thing. Part of me wants to buy him new bedding, but that part of me is struggling with the part of me that is content with what we have.
At the foot of the bed is the rocking chair, but we'll probably move that out soon as the days of rocking him are becoming fewer and fewer. His room is WAY to tiny to waste space with a bulky piece of furniture that we don't use.
He's done really well sleeping in there. Things aren't quite as good as they used to be, since we have to sit in there and wait for him to fall asleep, but at least he's not needing us to actually lay in the bed WITH him to fall asleep. I just tell him goodnight, give him a kiss and hand him his extra binky. He must have at least one binky in his hand to fiddle with as he falls asleep. He's also partial to his Kung Fu Panda blanket that my parents got him for Christmas. My mom and dad seem to have a knack for blankets - Owen's blankie that he STILL sleeps with to this day was a baby gift to him when he was born.
The cat was a total fluke...she's completely terrified of Tyler, but the allure of a soft warm spot to sleep in the sun was too much for her to handle and she hopped right up there for a nap.
Have a great Tuesday!