Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Personality Based Musical Skills

Several months back, Steve-o was speaking with the band director at his school, who also teaches up the hall from him. Said band teacher was talking about how he chooses an instrument for kids based a lot on their personality. Intriqued, Steve said, "really? What instrument would I play"? and without hesitation, the guy says Clarinet. I'm not sure what that means?

Owen started piano lessons a few weeks back, and he's loving it- which kindof surprised me. Pretty much, I'm planning on forcing the kids to take musical lessons of one kind or another (they can choose the instrument) but I think it's one of those things that is just good for them to learn, whether they like it or not. I tried to convince Owen to do violin, but he kept insisting on the piano. And that made me remember the conversation that Steve had and made me ponder if his personality was suited to the piano.

I found this quiz online that helps determine what instrument would suit your personality. Take it and tell me what it says. Do you play an instrument? Does the instrument you play suit your personality?

When I took it, it said that I should play the piano. Which is interesting, because I do. LOL. Although I'm not sure that this description actually fits me, especially that first sentence.
You are a calm person who always thinks things through before you do them. Sometimes you can be a bit fussy and dont like to do things wrong. The piano is perfect for you, seeing as it takes a calm hand and mind to perfect the art of the piano.
You try it!


Rob said...

You're sure of yourself and have more than enough confidence. You don't care when you make a mistake, and keep going to the end, even if it doesn't seem entirely right. This is why the violin is the perfect instrument for you; the violin is one of the hardest instruments to play, and you'll need your endurance and optimism to make it work.

TendrHart said...

You're an arty kind of person who is a bit shy around people you dont know. With your friends, however, you're open and bubbly and ready for action. The guitar is the instrument for you, seeing as you can take it everywhere with you. It will also build your self confidence to go busking now and then, and it will also bring in some much-needed cash!! :)

How long does it take to learn to play a guitar? I could start practicing walking the streets now and as soon as I know how to play I could drag the guitar along with me. ;)

Auntie Dee

Amy Lynn said...

You are a loud person who doesn't care what people think of you. You can appear up-tight sometimes, and a good drum kit is the perfect cure for this! You can beat away stress and worry, as well as making all the noise you want.

This cracks me up. My friend, Adam, tried to teach me how to play the drums 4 or 5 years ago. After two lessons I gave up.

I don't play an instrument. I would love to though. I really wish my parents had made me take lessons in SOMETHING. But yeah, if I could choose an instrument to play I would honestly pick drums or guitar.

Fun quiz!

Steve said...

Nice! Welcome to the club Rob!

You're sure of yourself and have more than enough confidence. You don't care when you make a mistake, and keep going to the end, even if it doesn't seem entirely right. This is why the violin is the perfect instrument for you; the violin is one of the hardest intruments to play, and you'll need your endurance and optimism to make it work.

Amy said...

Well, it said the guitar but I'm not so sure; although, I tried piano for two or three years (well, my mom forced me until the teacher told her she was wasting her money). I didn't learn to read music but I've since figured out that I play better by ear. Some people cannot read music.

My fav color wasn't listed so I think the result is skewed. =)

Carol Svoboda from Florida once told me that every kids should start on piano b/c it teaches you how to read music and then you can play about anything. Not sure about that one b/c I can NOT read music.

Guitar is good b/c you only have to learn chords...sort of.

Violin! that is one of the hardest instruments to learn.

Here's our family music breakdown:
Anna - piano and guitar
Jake - drums and guitar
Molly- piano and clarinet
Drew - piano (next year)
Zac- right now the only thing he plays well is the butt-tuba, if you know what I mean.


Rob said...

Ok this is very funny because it is so not accurate. Robby's instrument is the microphone. Does it fit?

Rob said...

Mom's turn...
You're a person who loves to take the lead and have absolutely nothing shy or unconfident about you. You are optimistic and bright, but sometimes you can let your leadership get away with you, making you seem mean and unfair. The microphone is the perfect instrument for you, for more reason that just making your voice hearable. You are able to take the lead and put yourself in the spot-light, and the microphone will help you along the way.

Tammi said...

The microphone?? Like, for a singer??

Hmmm....maybe it associates the microphone with a control-freak type personality.....loud leader who likes to be in charge?? I don't know...doesn't make sense for Robby - I would've thought he'd be violin, but i don't know.
I wonder how many instruments there are??

Amy said...

This is Anna. I got a microphone when I took the test. My mom said that it was perfect for me. :)