Thursday, September 7, 2006

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

It's been several days since my last post and it seems strange to blog again after not doing it for the better part of the work week. Hopefully your lives have gone on sucessfully without your daily dose of Tammi - difficult, I know.
And I think that "fonder" is a really strange word. Say it over and over or type it out and you have to wonder, who came up with that word? fonder. fonder. fonder. fonder.

Yesterday was a long day...went to the dr. to have a pre-surgery consultation. My gall bladder will no longer be inside my body as of Tuesday the 19th. I was really pleased with the dr.'s office..I only had to wait about 4 minutes until I was called back to the exam room so that was a nice switch after the whole "ER episode" last weekend. They gave me the rundown, how it works, recovery time, blah blah blah. The dr. did say that they would basically laser four holes into my abdomen and suck my gallbladder out through the one by my bellybutton. I'm not sure what the other 3 holes are for, and I didn't want to ask. Then I had to sign the standard consent form mentioning all the horrific possibilities that could actually go wrong during the surgery including, but not limited to....having to remove another organ ("whoops, she had GALLSTONES? I thought it was APPENDICITIS - my bad"), death, paralysis, puncturing another organ (oops, bumped my liver with the laser? Hey no problem!), and a myriad of other terrible possibilities. That wasn't much of a pick-me-up.
Ironically, the nurse who was with me was a mother of one of the volleyball players. I thought that was nice...extra special treatment since I know her, right? But then it crossed my mind that she would see me naked when they did the surgery and that made me feel a little weird, at best.

So that was my yesterday... this whole "surgery" thing is a bit of a bummer, seeing as how I don't like doctors and hospitals and all that, but after my appointment I drove out to this gorgeous plantation out by Steve's school. I drive by it every day and they have this bee-u-tiful sunflower field. I thought it would be a great place to take some senior portraits (I have 2 sessions with girls on saturday) so I decided to drive myself right in there and ask if I could use their field.

Ever been on a southern plantation? It actually had signs telling you where to go. Main house this way, Barn this way, Office this way, Mammie's House down this road (I'm not making that up, it actually said "mammie"). Crazy. I felt like I should lace up my corset and put on a southern bell dress with a matching parasol. But then again, I'm just a "yankee" so maybe jeans and a plain tshirt are know, for folk like me. :) Anyway, after I finally found the plantation manager, he said I could use the field all I wanted, so that made my day. :)

Here's a pic.


Anonymous said...

I'll bet the sunflower pics would really have been pretty had it come out - mine looks like a bunch of yellow and green squares - Did you ask to see the Main House or better yet, I would have wanted to see Mammie's House ----- Anyone else have trouble w/the pic?

Anonymous said...

Never mind!!!!! I tried it again now, and it is beautiful! I LOVE sunflowers! Who knows why it didn't come in before!

Anonymous said...


your blokeh(sp?) was magnificent in the sunflower pic; although, not as good as the spider pic. yes, i looked up the work blokeh--blah, blah, blah...blur--i understood blur. in that connotation, my day could be described as a blokeh. Reminds me of the men's bathroom at Outback Steakhouse, "blokes". I'm a "sheila", i know that. what does it mean if your name happens to be Sheila? I know someone names Sheila--does it mean, "female bathroom"? Would they snicker behind your back in Australia? I need to go. ")

Anonymous said...

Tammi, you could make anything come to life when you write about it. I really do think you should ask about those other three laser holes though, something else might escape.

Anonymous said...

amy, you make me laugh. :)

ok dad, I'll ask about the holes, but I'm not sure what could "escape"...blood, organs, Alien? I'll check into that. :)

Anonymous said...

and what are you doing up at 1 AM? :)

Anonymous said...

and what am *I* doing up at 1:40 a.m.?? Senior pictures, that's what.
I need to go to bed.

Anonymous said...

When I first looked the sunflowers were yellow and green squares and I just thought that was what sunflowers looked like in GA. Mom

Anonymous said...

sunflowers make me happy. And for an old "glass half empty" girl like me, that's saying something : )