Wednesday, September 27, 2006

More My Style.....

My old profile picture has been driving me nuts for the last few days after Steve AND Casey both made comments in passing about my "sexy" pic that I had "posted on my blog". Yeah...well, that was so NOT what I was going for and I've been absolutely HORRIFIED that that's how it was perceived.
I've spawned and breastfed 2 children, I haven't seen the inside of the gym in months, and I've got some kick'n breath from the Supremely Spicy Hummus that I'm eating as I type this -- Sexy I am not.

So in the spirit of self-portraiture, Tammi-style - Here is my new profile picture.
Although that Viking Image seems to be a rather popular one as well......


Anonymous said...

No Lie, I promise> Remember that day we had of practice but we had no way to get inside the gate because coach didnt show up? I had my camera phone with me so I decided to play around with it. I took a picture of me in my side mirror just like you did there! I cant believe you would go that low and steal my idea out of my head. What a loser. (The problem is yours looks better :) )

Anonymous said...

I liked the old one....its your secret agent photo...I WOULD CUT AND PASTE IT INTO KEY WEBSIGHTS .............................Your sooooooooooo intriguing...hence your covert operation in Chitown

Anonymous said...

Hey of all the pics you took - I like your sexy pic the best. AND who says that birthing children, brestfeeding, etc... you can't be SEXY! So I would go with the sexy one - or the viking one :-)
Mom N

Anonymous said...

Hey I liked the sexy pic better! Who says a wife & mother can't look sexy??????

You are beautiful either way ---

Mom N

Anonymous said...

hey darlin,
u r beautiful and people can't help but to be like man she is sexy! so i wouldn't worry bout it.
This is a beautiful pic so. yeah im not the best at complements but yeah.......... anyway hav a good day miss breastfeeder. lol
luv ya tons~

oh by the way idk ur email add so i kinda need it so that i can get that amazing pic that u took at our v-ball game. hav a fantastic memorable day. bye bye.