Monday, September 11, 2006

My Blood Has Officially Thinned

Being from the great northern state of Michigan, I fully appreciate the concept of winter and cold weather, but after living in Florida and now Georgia, today I realized that I have officially adapted to the southern climate.
The weather has blessedly been starting to cool off and today is a pleasant 87 degrees Farenheit with a lovely breeze.

What am I wearing?

Jeans and a long sleeved tshirt.

Oh...and on a side note: It's very difficult to unzip your pants for a potty break when you've just woken up and realized that both of your hands are completely asleep because you've been laying on them for the past 2 hours. Doing a two-step "potty dance" helps take your mind off the fact that you may wet yourself, until your hands regain enough feeling to undo the button.


Anonymous said...

Considerding it is now 3pm and we have yet to break 60 degress, I'll assume it is now parka weather for you...

Anonymous said... concerns me that i will be up there next month and no longer have a winter coat. Well, maybe I could dig one out of the attic...

Got any extras? And I will also need all of the following, please tell me what you can provide:
Winter coat (preferably lined with fur)
Waterproof boots (it could snow in Michigan in October)
Long Underwear
Some of that blue stuff that you put on your nose to protect it from windburn
An ice scraper for any ice on my car
Oh...and some of those little hand warmers that you can shake up and stick inside your clothes.

Anonymous said...

Oh...And a hot brick to put at the foot of the bed

Anonymous said...

That's so sad.. Dan too is home in NY. and won't stop talking about the "coolish" weather and how he had to wrap a blanket around his legs this morning while he had his bagel and newspaper on the deck.

Anonymous said...

It was only 72 degrees here yesterday and I wore a sweater and jeans. I used to make fun of my sister in FL for wearing mittens in the 50s but I apologize now. I freakin' love it. Snow is nice for children and I'll be happy to let them visit my parents in PA, but I'm pretty sure this will be the climate in heaven.

Anonymous said...

I thought so too when we first moved down here from Michigan. But we had a friend (when we lived in Cleveland) and he and his wife had lived down south for awhile and they said that it's very common for "northerners" to move south for awhile and then move back up north. I thought he was crazy, I was not missing the snow and cold at ALL and was loving the warm weather. Until this year....and I find myself wishing for "home" - cool crisp autumn air and the smell of leaves and apples in the air...sweaters and jeans and a cool bite to the air. Bundling up in a warm coat and mittens and the first snow-fall of the winter. *sigh*