Thursday, September 7, 2006


So....who's out there?? I notice I get a lot of hits on this site so I'm interested to know who's lurking about out there. And if you read up on the site, lemme just run down the names of some people who post, so if you're new around here, you'll know who's who (Ranked in order of posting-frequency):

AmyP - my friend Amy, whom I love for a myriad of reasons. She doesn't care that my house is a mess, my kids haven't had a bath in 4 days, and I have a 5 ft tall pile of laundry. If she came over, she'd move the dirty dishes and smack the wet diaper off the chair and have a seat. I'm a mom. My house is in constant disarray. I am not defined as a person by my unorganized state. She gets me.
Too bad she lives in Alabama now.

MomN - this would be, quite obviously, Mom Nowack (or for those who are thick - Steve's mom). She is one of my number one fans and is constantly praising my work, whether I deserve it or not.

Casey - well, we ALL know who Casey is (and if you don't, check out my 3rd blog ever). I love him to death. He's the little brother I never had.

Lisa - head coach extraordinaire of the SCA Varsity Volleyball Team. She's funny and makes me laugh, and likes me for who I am. Oh..and she's a way better coach than me and I learn a lot from her - I pretend to assist but really she's coaching ME too.

Ness - as in "Vanessa", who I've only met once at my sister's wedding. I check her blog every day and find her quite refreshing and very witty. She and her hubby used to be the head youth ministers at the church in Michigan where my sister and her now husband used to work, until they moved to Indiana...that is, my sister moved to Indiana, and....oh, forget it.

Jess - SCA Varsity volleyball player, yearbook person (are you the editor?)-who mooches me for sports pictures :), supastar setter.

Shari & Rob - my sibs...who only post occasionally, but they're out there.

Markus - he posts every once in awhile. I've never met him, I think he lives in New Zealand or something - I think he googled something and ran across my blog. I read his, he reads mine. Isn't that nice? :)

Mom & Dad...who just started posting recently. I think they were starting to feel left out. :) Come on guys...EVERYBODY'S doin' it.

Megan - Steve's sister-in-law and resident medical advisor. Actually, I'm surprised she hasn't commented on my dr.'s appt. yet. She probably knows what those other 3 holes are for....

Klasieprof - Also never met her. I think she is a friend of Vanessa's and found me through her? Or maybe through Shari, because I think she knows Shari too.

Jen - I think she posted once. This would be Steve's other sister in law. The one I did the canvas' for...

Am I forgetting anyone??

So....that's it....and if you're out there reading, lurking, sneaking in some highly intelligent and thought-provoking literature (ahem, that would be my blog) then fess up....leave a comment...say hello...come out of the closet. I want to see who's out there!


Anonymous said...

OMIGOSH, tammi, you curse?!? (and wink) by the way, my computer always posts the wrong time on the comments i leave--it moves it up an hour...or two--i can't remember. must have something to do w/the server-thingy and the particular time zone it's in?--just a theory. maybe it's a conspiracy, OOH!

love ya' and ditto on your "ditty" about ME ")

Anonymous said...

Okay, sorry , but just one more thing about yesterday's blog...if your name was Lou and you lived in England...I know, it's spelled different, but does that really matter here? I don't think so. I KNOW if your name was Art or Arty and you came to our house, you would get a few snickers...sorry (legal disclaimer here). As far as plantations, we have one "original" plantation house in the city of Huntsville, it's beautiful. No "Mammie" signs. Last, but not least, in my previous comment from today (ditto), change the last line to--too bad she lives in GA now") I should have just written an email. Well, I'm off to Grandparent's Day at school. Later!

Anonymous said...

soo im kind of addicted to checking your blog everyday... who knew? best way i know to keep up with you guys... =0)

Anonymous said...

I am so honored to be the medical advisor. :) as for answering your question I just actually read your blog tonight. Between the football season starting ,being fundraiser football chair, holding a position on the school board, emily starting dance/acrobats ,homework help home duties,wife duties and working full time I hardly no my own name this week......but you know me so here goes.....

HOLE #1 the surgeon needs to inflate your abdomen with air in order to see better during the surgery.(your back,shoulders and ribs will hurt several days after surgery...this is the gas trying to will pass(no pun intended).

HOLE#2 he then inserts a lighted scope attached to a mini camera(laparoscope) to us medical people into one of the incisions near the belly button. Thes pictures are put on a monitor and the Dr. usses this to quide him during surgery.

HOLES#3/#4 The surgical instruments are inserted into the other 2 holes in order to remove the gall bladder.and THIS my nonmedical people is the cliff note version to gallbladder surgery.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I am so tired I don't even know how to spell and didn't even notice the error until I published my comment...

That's KNOW my name NOT NO my name

Anonymous said...

well a... I agree with Katie I am well kind of addicted to reading your blog, it's the only way I can kind of learn about you and your opinions, sense of humor, and personality. I Love Reading your blogs. I read slowly and hate reading but reading your blogs is something a highly enjoy doing. I check it out everyday to see if you have wrote something new. YOU are an awesome writer.
Thanks for all the laughs your blogs have given me,


ps: thanks for the supastar setter comment

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

okay tams...this is amy a.(austin)leaving a comment! b/c i read everyday and never leave a comment so this is me leaving a comment! and i hope to see my pictures up here very soon! was so much fun...i wish you would have brought the boys...they wouldve had a blast...see you monday! mwah!

p.s. im the yearbook editor!

Anonymous said...

Ahh... and they all begin to filter in one by one, the secret blog readers. Fessing up to their addiction of reading Tammi's random musings. I too am a implusive follower of the collections... Hey, thanks for covering for me on the coaching thing, I owe you one for helping to perpuate the lie. I love the sunflowers at the plantation. I'd love to get some shots of my girls there before they die.
Looking forward to the "Day at the Rivah" pictures.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I was really disturbed by your comment, "I'd like to get my girls photographed there before they die" and I pondered it for a few minutes before I realized that you meant before the FLOWERS die.

that is what you meant, right?

Anonymous said...

No, Not here. never check it. Don't read it.
Didn't know you were Shari's sister. LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL! Absolutely!!! I would like to get Allison and Maggie photographed in the garden before the beautiful sunflowers die. That other entry did read kinda weird.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll identify. I'm the friend of Ness's hubby who is starting the new church in Northwest AR. Found your blog through your posts on hers. I also know Joel from my time in MI, and have met Shari the one time they came down to visit a few months back. The "wieners & vaccinations" post hooked me. They should have made a Seinfeld episode out of your interaction with the Dr. Anyhoo, I drop in once a week or so.

Anonymous said...

the volleyball coach makes me check it to ensure to keep your volume, ready for 125 Canadians? CHI TOWN BOUND