Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bath Time and Softball

Bath time this morning...the entire point of which is for the boys to move an entire tub full of water onto the floor and me in a short time. There is always much splashing, drinking of bath water, an occassional fight and bump on the head. Upon exit of the bath, AJ will almost always make way past the toilet, to his bedroom and promptly pee on the bed or the floor. Here's a few pics for your enjoyment.

Ok, so....our volleyball team has one member who plays two fall sports. Erica, (who is DA-BOMB) plays volleyball for us in addition to playing catcher on the softball team. So after the (volleyball) team had a kick-arse game yesterday and played their little hearts out, we cancelled practice today so we could go watch Erica play softball against Deerfield. At this point in the blog I had considered making a snarky remark about our arch nemesis Deerfield, but since I've only been here 6 months, I don't feel the need as of yet. Anyway, I digress...
I don't claim to know squat about baseball or softball - I actually asked Erica if she got to be the catcher all the time, or do they take turns like in Little League. She politely answered me that no, she gets to do it all the time (although in her head she was probably thinking I was a total [expletive]). Thanks E. :) Anyway, I tried my hand at some softball photos and well....let's just say there's not a whole lot of action in the game of softball (that's a whole 'nother topic), so I didn't get too many, but here are a few. Note to self: Next time step INSIDE the fence. There's a bit of a haze on several of them due to fence issues. Anyway....Enjoy :)

Here's E....she rocks.

E again...


Anonymous said...

Ok, my friend... you must get these photos out for sale. And seen by the local Albany folks/newspaper/yearbook/ etc. Your "lame" sports shots are nothing short of remarkable. I know for a fact that every kid/parent/fan/coach of those girls featured would purchase those photos!

Anonymous said...

Uhmm... would it be alright if i said "E!!! you look sooo sexxxy!!!! hahaha..or is that too much, hey does the school watch this stuff??? psss. lets dont tell anyone...

Anonymous said...

do you work for the school yearbook staff taking pics? If you don't ......you should. Also,I love the casual dress of the senior pics you have done.It sure beats the awful dress clothes and the fake tree that they had us lean against in 1986.Oh my gosh does that say 1986????