Monday, September 24, 2007

The Artist

True to my vow, I DID take photos of my other two children this weekend, lest the grandparents start to think we set them on the curb with a "Free to Good Home" sign and decided to keep (and photograph) only Tyler.

Here's Owen, and lately I've been quite struck by just how BIG he's getting. Last Thursday I had to take all 3 rugrats on the school bus with me as we traveled 3 hours to a volleyball game. A.J. stuck fairly close, and of course Tyler was in his carseat right next to me, but Owen? He climbed on that bus, cozied up to the girls and I didn't see him again for the whole bus ride there. Or the way back. At the game, he made his own sandwich, and confidently ran under the bleachers to fetch a player's fallen sandal. There used to be a time I wouldn't let him out of my sight for more than 8 seconds, knowing full well that in the time it would take me to dig my cell phone out of my bag he would be MIA, covered in something sticky, staining, or doing something naughty and mildy dangerous - like playing in traffic. And now I find myself talking to him and thinking of him as a big boy. Actually TRUSTING him to do things on his own, or act the right way or do the right thing. And it makes me sad and proud all at the same time. I can't believe he'll be five years old in November. *sigh*

Anyway, we fondly refer to Owen as the artistic one. Where there is markers, paint, glue, paper, play-doh, pencils, clay, legos, blocks, or canvas, Owen will be there.

Not sure what he's doing here...some silly creepy finger thing when he was acting silly for the camera. What a dork. :)

Wasn't sure if I liked it better in color or black and white, so I put them both up decide. :)

Oops. Missed the focus on this one, but he looked so darn cute I had to put it on here anyway.

Owen has the BEST silly contagious laugh ever. Seriously. When Owen laughs, you can't help but laugh too.

I love this pensive look he gives me. Owen is SO handsome. And he's the spitting image of Steve-o. I've got GOOD taste in men, doncha think?? :)

Now, just so you can get the full appreciation of Owen's artistic scope, I've photographed a few pages of his sketchbook for your perusal. Let's get started, shall we?

Here we have a drawing of beloved babysitter (who we consider family) Erica. Quite obviously, she is pulling the boys in a wagon.

Next up we have a lovely blue train, one of Owen's favorite subjects to draw...

Here's where things get interesting. This is a drawing of, NO, not an indian. NO, not an overzealous drunken college student at a college football game -- it is a mere boy. Being attacked by aliens. Of course he's a little upset and crying. Wouldn't you??

Blast! I hate it when my umbrella doesn't work!

Here we have deceptively sunny skies and a beautiful rainbow, but wait! *gasp* ALIENS lurking about the skies again!! The little boy on the bottom left is a little concerned, and who can blame him?? Did you see what happened to that other kid who encountered the aliens??

Ah! But the sun comes out again! HEre's a group of relatively happy people - with no aliens in sight - although apparently the blue boy sees something of concern. He seems afraid and I'm expecting him to run off the page at any moment.


Anonymous said...

Ok so I thought you said you would post the other boyS. did I miss one? Poor AJ the forgotten second child. :(

Anonymous said...

I like the last one, where he's looking away from the camera. And you're right...he IS a good-looking boy!

Anonymous said...

Rob is right -- what was that I always heard about the middle child?


Anonymous said...

Rob and Dad - Patience Grasshopper....AJ's post is coming tomorrow...just following birth order

Anonymous said...

These pics are great... I am always amazed when I watch Owen work... he's so talented and you can almost see the little cogs spinning in his brain.
The other day @ the school he & I were drawing a train drama on the board. As the train trudged up the STEEP mountainside, it began to tip and finally fell into the lake below... Owen then proceeded to draw an exact replica of the train UPSIDE-DOWN in the water. I just sat there & watched him work for like 5 minutes... his level of commitment to his creativity is something I aspire to.

Anonymous said...

he is so cute! i can't believe you will have a 5 year old kid! and you have your own babysitter ... doesn't that feel weird? cause we use to be the babysitters :)

Anonymous said...

Love the pics. Owen is an amazing kid. Can't wait to see AJ's pics.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the drawings. He can freakin draw better than I can! So yeah, that was very entertaining. :)