Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Athlete

AJ started walking when he turned 10 months old. I remember Steve and I, sitting on the floor in our house in Florida, encouraging him, clapping for him, cheering him on as his fat little legs pumped away, crossing the hideous pink carpet of our floor. Back and forth, back and forth, sometimes he got going so fast it was as if his legs were carrying him away of their own accord and he just followed along, and tried not to fall.
About 2 weeks later, he was running. And he literally NEVER. STOPPED.
Our spunky little AJ walked for about 2 weeks, and ever since there he has jumped, skipped, hopped, or ran everywhere else. He could two-footed hop before he was a year old. He would jump off the back of the sofa and land on his feet by the time he was one and a half. He could beat his brother in a foot race by the time he was 2. Could hit a slow-pitched baseball by two and a half. We can't wait to see what AJ decides to do with his athletic abilities. Steve is gunning for baseball, I'm holding out for soccer. He'll probably play football. Or X-Games. Yeah, he'll be a dirt-biking, skater punk. He has the hair for it. :)

He's a genetic anomaly. He has blue eyes and blond hair. Steve-0 and I still trying to figure that one out. He has my energy and Steve's sensitive heart. And I'll just go ahead and take credit for his good looks and athletic abilities while I'm at it.

He is mischievous and funny. The family clown. Always silly, always looking for attention and a laugh. The quintessential middle child. :)

What a dork. :)

Don't ask.

Yeah, he's jumping AT me as I try to take his picture. Notice the cheeky sparkle in his eye. That kid is a real piece of work.

Intense, isn't he?

Or Black & White?
You decide.

And here he is in a rare moment of quiet with Steve-o.
Nothing beats a video game with dad on a Sunday afternoon.
So there you have it. A glimpse at the inner workings of my oldest boys....hope you enjoyed them
. :) I sure do.

well, most of the time anyway.


Anonymous said...

Again great pics. I hope AJ plays baseball, but I know he's sure to do well at whatever he chooses. Where’s the new family pic of you, Steve, & all THREE boys?

Anonymous said...

My faves:
hiding in the bucket & the grecian hero statuesque supermanish pose!

He's so adorable and mature... while Owen is like a wise old sage, A.J. is more like the "experienced" guy who's in with the ladies and who all the other guys are jealous of.

Oh & for once I prefer the b&w...just a little p.s.

{p.p.s my word verification is KEWARNLY henceforth this shall be my Irish name :) !}

Anonymous said...

Casey...for once I prefer the color. I'm usually a fan of the B&W.
I'm gonna have to say go for the X-games. We ALL love to watch the stunt stuff. The girls and I sat in front of it for hours one weekend not too long ago, while Clint was at the fire dept.
I'm just glad that you recognize and encourage their differences, at such a young age. They're great kids!

Anonymous said...

AJ, the X-gamer, and Owen, the artist, make the perfect team. Owen can capture all of AJ's "sick air" in photos and design the cool posters that will be plastered on all the teen's walls...and when his product line kicks off, Owen will be there to design it all.

Anonymous said...

The poor middle child now has something to remember his childhood by... :)

Anonymous said...

hey you - I'm at Marilyn's - loved the pics! Please send Marilyn and Judy and invitation for your blog - I think you should have their email addresses but it is brattfamily@zoominternet.net and Judy's is heyjude3479@yahoo.com --- Thanks - talk to you and see you soon

Anonymous said...

Im in love with the one of AJ with his arms up. His eyes are soo intense!
Yay! Im so glad you posted new pictures of them. Theyre huge! miss you guys!