Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hooray for the Bumbo

We bought Tyler this little foam-molded infant seat, called a Bumbo. Any baby that has head control can sit in it (although Tyler is still a little wobbly), and be able to chill with the fam and watch the world around them. Good news for Tyler since the hair on the back of his head was starting to thin slightly from laying in his crib, swing, or car seat all the time. He thinks it feels good to air things out and build up his neck muscles.
I frequently plop the seat on the kitchen counter while I'm cooking or making lunch for the boys, and last night he sat in the middle of the kitchen table while we all ate. :)
So....if you have a baby that can't sit up yet, or know of someone who does, this is a great find and a perfect gift.
Just my little plug-in for the Bumbo seat. :)

And now for some snapshots of Tyler for the grandparents. He has changed SO much in the last few weeks - he's definitely moved from the newborn stage to the baby stage. Isn't he big? He's cooing and wiggling his arms and legs around a lot - I suspect his first laugh will be coming soon. And I finally got some snaps of him smiling, so I had to show you those. :)


Anonymous said...

I love them! tyler3.jpg looks like he actually just got the joke that was told before the picture was taken. How great!

Anonymous said...


now, why the heck to companies give their products names like BUMBO??? It just sounds stupid... great product... bad name... that's all I have to say.

p.s. I love these B&W's... I need to show some to Anna.

Anonymous said...

I've seen the Bumbo and I thought it was so cool that I almost bought one even though I don't have a baby anymore.

No...don't even suggest it.

Anonymous said...

that is one sweet little man!

Anonymous said...

amy - sure have made quite a few comments lately about :::almost::: wanting another one.
Could there be yet one more Porter child in your future??

Anonymous said...

We have that exact bumbo! I cant wait till Zac can hold his head up enough to use it!

Cute pics! I love the smile. how darn adorable

Anonymous said...

I have the same bumbo too. Now they sell a nifty little tray that snaps on (for only about $10). Now they will sit even longer with toys or fruit puffs in front of them. FYI: Bumbos do not work in the tub or pool. They float!