Sunday, September 2, 2007


My brother and his beautiful family...

Rob & Manda, with Robby, Jonathan, Abby, and Kendrick.


Anonymous said...

These are fun... I love the B&W... where is that?

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so great. I love the first one. How cute are they???

Anonymous said...

Rob lost his head!!! Amanda lost her eyes!!! Tammi, next time you sneeze don't snap the camera. ;)

"Fluttering my eyelashes"

Auntie Dee :)

Anonymous said...

Casey-it's downtown somewhere around Turtle Park.
Aunt Dee- *snort* don't you have any appreciation for **ART***?? :)
That said, I think the crop needs to go down just a tad....:)

Anonymous said...

I love the first picture! You have to get creative with family pictures. It is nearly impossible to get all the kids to look at the camera at the same time.

Anonymous said...

These are fantastic photos! You are amazing, I just wish we didn't live so far so you could capture our family! Would love to see what you could do with all 14 of us!