Friday, September 21, 2007

I've Been a Busy Bee

Whew! I've been busy tonight! Single-handedly put 3 kids to bed by myself in under 30 minutes, FIVE new posts on the blog, one wet-the-bed-incident taken care of, new pictures up on the photoblog, a client session proofed, and a lot of other miscellaneous work done! *clapping myself on the back*

I'm going to bed! I'm tired!

And so is Tyler!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah…he looks like a little baby bird waiting for a fresh regurgitated worm that Momma bird has prepared for him! He reminds me more and more of you Tammi with every photo. Hehehehe :::::::Running:::::::

Your unforgettable Auntie Dee ;)